Combine the actual conditions all over China, In a situation that there is centralized cold or hot load, The heat and power plant implements thermo-electricity cold three is united and supported; 结合中国各地的实际情况,在有集中冷、热负荷的情况下,热电厂实行热电冷三联供;
The paper introduces the possible tax preference policy in waste water treatment, self-provided thermo-electricity, forestry company, instalment construction management, additional investment and borrowed capital and puts forward some tax saving strategies for the enterprises. 针对造纸企业在污水处理、自备热电、林业公司、分期建设经营、追加投资、借入资金这六个方面可能享受的税收优惠政策进行了分析介绍,为企业提出了一些节税策略。
In allusion to generating electricity requirement of adjusting peak value power in some thermo-electricity corporation, some defaults are analyzed when the boiler begin to be circulated, some effective control measures are put forward combined the structure collocation and characteristics of gas turbine heat-recovery boiler. 针对某热电公司燃机调峰发电要求,结合燃机余热锅炉结构布置及特点,分析了锅炉运行启动时存在的不足,并提出了运行中的一些有效的调整控制手段。