The identification and classification of Thermus to Thermales is reviewed. 阐述了栖热菌的发现和分类鉴定研究进程。
The paper describes how an antibiotic was used to inhibit the full swivel and ratcheting motion of a ribosome from a bacterium called Thermus Thermophilus, which thrives in hot acidic environments. 本文介绍了如何使用抗生素用在从嗜热栖热菌的细菌中抑制核糖体的棘轮充分旋转,在酸性环境中有明显活力。
The Study on Clone of AF-03 Amylomaltase Gene and Prokaryotic Expression; Identification of Thermus to the Species Level using 16S rDNA Gene Restriction Fragment Patterns 水生栖热菌AF-03麦芽糖转葡萄糖基酶的基因克隆及原核表达利用针对16Srdna序列的限制性酶切分析鉴定栖热菌属
Molecular Docking of Xylitol and Xylose Isomerase from Thermus thermophilus and Model Analysis Thermusthermophilus木糖异构酶与木糖醇的分子对接及模型分析
These strains possess the ability to grow on the autotrophic media, Thermus, an extremely thermophilic bacterium was not isolated from these hot springs. 这些菌株都具有在自养型培养基上生长的能力。从这些温泉中没有分离出Thermus。
Objective: To purify and partially physical-chemical properties of thermostable lactase from the strain of thermus sp A3 were studied in this paper. 目的:对从栖热菌(ThermusSp.A3)中分离得到的耐热乳糖酶进行纯化及部分理化性质的研究。
Conclusion: Thermus strains producing thermostable lactase can be effectively obtained by culture with medium containing X gal. 结论:在含有X-gal培养基进行划线培养是筛选产乳糖酶菌株的有效方法,同时该菌株具有嗜热性。
Genus Thermus is not isolated from the hot spring. 没有分离到水生栖热菌属(Thermus)的细菌。
Screening Thermostable Lactase Producing Strain of Thermus sp and Optimization of Culture Condition 纤细角毛藻培养条件优化耐热乳糖酶产生菌株的筛选及产酶条件试验
Separation Purification and Characterization of Trehalose Sythase from Thermus aquaticus FL-03 水生栖热菌FL-03海藻糖合酶的分离纯化及特性研究
Its pI was about 7.2. Conclusion: The thermostable lactase from strain of thermus sp A3 was different from lactases from other microorganism. 用等电聚焦电泳法测得其等电点约为7.2。结论:从栖热菌中提取的耐热乳糖酶的理化性质不同于其它来源的乳糖酶。
In addition to Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, there are Deinococcus – Thermus on the oyster shells. 牡蛎壳上的附着细菌除了变形菌门和拟杆菌门之外,还有异常球菌&栖热菌门细菌。
Taq DNA polymerase is a kind of the highly heat-stable DNA polymerase, that was isolated from thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus. Because of its high thermostability, high specificity, sensitivity and other excellent features, Taq DNA polymerase is widely used in the PCR amplification. taqDNA聚合酶是一种来源于嗜热菌Thermusaquaticus的高度热稳定的DNA聚合酶,并以其耐高温、较高的特异性、灵敏度等优良特性被广泛应用在PCR扩增中。
Nowadays, Thermus are the hotspots in the researches of thermophilic bacteria, and their bacteriophages begin to obtained more attention. 对栖热菌属的研究是嗜热菌研究的热点,如今对其噬菌体的研究也日益受到重视。
After Taq DNA polymerase had been isolated and purified from the thermophilic bacteria ( Thermus aquatics) in aquatic habitat by Randall K. Saiki and his colleagues in 1988, it was widely used in PCR techniques. 1988年,RandallK.Saiki等[1.2]从水生栖热菌(Thermusaquatics)中分离纯化到了taqDNA聚合酶,之后它广泛应用于PCR技术。