The study concluded the drug protocol a "failure" because the prisoners had below acceptable levels of thiopental in their systems indicating they probably suffered immense pain before they died. 这项研究结论是施药过程是一个”失败“,因为囚犯在他们身体内的硫贲妥低于可以接受的水平,这表明可能他们在死亡之前受到巨大疼痛的折磨。
Sodium thiopental is primarily used as anaesthesia for surgical patients and to induce medical comas. 硫喷妥钠主要用于做来麻醉外科手术的病人,并且引导医疗昏睡。
Effects of anticonvulsant action of Thiopental on δ-band of QPEEG in rabbits 硫喷妥钠抗惊厥作用对家兔脑电图δ频段的影响
CONCLUSION: Propofol and midazolam, but not thiopental sodium, can provide protective effects against reperfusion induced injury in rats subjected to focal cerebral ischemia. 结论:丙泊酚和咪达唑仑有拮抗大鼠局灶脑缺血后再灌注损伤的作用。
Some executions in the US are being delayed because of a nationwide shortage of sodium thiopental, one of the drugs used in lethal injections. 因为全国范围的硫喷妥钠注射处死使用的一种药物短缺,美国的一些死刑执行正被耽搁。
Oklahoma delayed a planned execution last month because of the sodium thiopental shortage. 因为短缺硫喷妥钠,俄克拉荷马州上月延迟了一宗计划的死刑执行。
The cocktail used generally contains sodium thiopental ( to anaesthetise the condemned man), pancuronium bromide and potassium chloride. 一般注射用的混合针剂含有硫喷妥钠,泮库溴铵和氯化钾。
For the anesthetic thiopental, storage in ti ue reservoirs initially shorter the drug effect but after repeated administration prolongs it. 如麻醉药硫贲妥,它贮存于组织储库中,开始时会缩短药物的效应期,但经多次给药后就会使之延长。
These patients received intravenous anaesthesia with suxamethonium plus thiopental sodium or propofol for the implementation of ECT, respectively. 两组患者分别在硫喷妥钠和丙泊酚复合琥珀胆碱静脉麻醉下实施电抽搐治疗。
ObjectiveTo investigate effects of midazolam, etomidate, propofol and thiopental on contractility and coronary flow of isolated rat hearts. 目的研究静脉麻醉药咪唑安定、依托咪酯、异丙酚及硫喷妥钠对离体灌流心脏收缩力及冠脉流量的影响。
The effect of thiopental on β-band of quantitative pharmaco-electroencephalogram in convulsion rabbits 硫喷妥钠对惊厥家兔定量药物脑电图β频段的影响
Effects of thiopental sodium on ATPase activities in different brain regions of rats 硫喷妥钠对大鼠不同脑区ATP酶活性的影响
Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl, thiopental and succinylcholine. 麻醉诱导均选用芬太尼、硫喷妥钠和琥珀酰胆碱。
Effcets of lidocaine and thiopental on the neuronal injury in rat hippocampus slice cultures 利多卡因和硫喷妥钠对培养的大鼠海马脑片神经元损伤的影响
Objective To investigate the changes of blood pressure ( Bp), heart rate ( HR) and endothelin ( ET), nitric oxide ( NO) during induction of general anesthesia by tracheal intubation with thiopental, propofol and etomidate. 目的探讨硫喷妥钠、异丙酚、依托咪酯诱导对气管插管期间血压、脉搏及其内皮素(endothelin,ET)、一氧化氮(NitricOXide,NO)的影响。
Effects of muscle relaxants on hemodynamics during thiopental anesthesia 硫喷妥钠麻醉下肌肉松弛药对血流动力学的影响
The effect of propofol and thiopental on potassium channel currents in rat ventricular myocytes 丙泊酚和硫喷妥钠对大鼠心肌细胞钾通道电流的影响
The hypnotic action of thiopental in mice was not prolonged by Sinomenine. 本药不延长硫喷妥钠的作用时间。
Effect of propofol and thiopental sodium on muscle relaxation of rocuronium 丙泊酚和硫喷妥钠对罗库溴铵肌松效应的影响
Conclusions Propofol and thiopental decreased delayed rectified potassium current, which may partially antagonize their decrease in calcium current. 结论丙泊酸和硫喷妥钠呈浓度依赖地抑制延迟整流钾电流,可部分拮抗对钙电流的抑制作用。
Conclusions Induction with thiopental and fentanyl while inhaling isoflurane can attenuate cardiovascular responses to tracheal intubation effectively in pediatric patients. 结论给患儿插管时联合应用硫喷妥钠、芬太尼和异氟醚,心血管反应最小,提示其可以较好地抑制插管所至的应激反应。
After basic anesthesia, the animals were induced with thiopental and intubation was facilitated with succinylcholine intravenously. 基础麻醉后行心电监护,硫喷妥钠缓推诱导,暴露声门后静脉注射司可林气管插管,机控呼吸。
Effects of propofol and thiopental on the changes of blood-brain barrier permeability in focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in rats 异丙酚、硫喷妥钠对大鼠脑局灶性缺血/再灌注损伤对血脑屏障通透性改变的影响
Thiopental inhibits inward rectified potassium current, which may be related to its potentiate epinephrine-induced dysrhythmias. 硫喷妥钠对内向整流钾电流有明显抑制作用,可能与其易化肾上腺素的致心律失常作用有关。
Aim To investigate the effect of thiopental sodium on the release of glutamate and GABA from synaptosomes of rats prefrontal cortex. 目的观察硫喷妥钠对大鼠前额皮层突触体谷氨酸和γ氨基丁酸(GABA)Ca2+依赖性和Ca2+非依赖性释放的影响。
Methods Evaluate clinical effect of thiopental on refractory status convulsion of 14 cases children. 方法对14例小儿难治性惊厥持续状态采用硫喷妥钠治疗并观察疗效。
Objective To explore the effects of propofol and thiopental sodium injection on convulsive seizure in electro-convulsive therapy ( ECT) and to provide evidence to help the selection of intravenous anaesthetics in improved ECT. 目的探讨丙泊酚与硫喷妥钠对电抽搐治疗时抽搐发作影响特点的差异性,为改良式电抽搐疗法中静脉用麻醉药物的选择提供依据。
Aim: To observe the effects of lidocaine and thiopental on the neuronal injury induced by the experimental ischemia in hippocampus slice cultures obtained from postnatal 22 days SD rats. 目的:观察利多卡因和硫喷妥钠对生后22d大鼠培养海马脑片的实验型缺血后神经元损伤的影响。
Results The CD_4 T cell and the CD_4/ CD_8 ratio decreased after thiopental anaesthesia in mice. 结果硫喷妥钠麻醉后20小时小鼠外周血中CD4T淋巴细胞、CD4/CD8比值均显著下降。