Three-quarters of Russians live in cities. 四分之三的俄罗斯人住在城市里。
Nearly three-quarters of people questioned in an opinion poll agreed with the government's decision. 将近3/4的民意调查受访者赞同政府的决定。
Three-quarters of the country's workers took part in the strike 该国有3/4的工人参加了这次罢工。
It did not pass unremarked that three-quarters of the petitions were instituted by women. 3/4的请愿都是由女性发起的,这一点引起了大家的关注。
Oceans cover about three-quarters of the earth's surface. 大洋覆盖了地球表面的四分之三左右。
Although more than three-quarters of users are overseas, that segment only contributes about a quarter of the revenue. 虽然该公司海外用户所占比例超过四分之三,但这部分用户仅为该公司带来了约四分之一的收入。
You can sit on a bench till you're three-quarters starved. 你可以坐在长椅上,等着饿个半死。
On the import side, industrial products have accounted for roughly three-quarters of the total so far this year. 进口方面,工业产品在今年迄今的进口总量中大致占到了四分之三。
In about an hour and three-quarters the boy returned. 过了1小时3刻钟,仆役回来了。
More than three-quarters of Americans live in cities. 四分之三以上的美国人居住在城市。
By 2020, three-quarters of incremental consumer spending will come from emerging markets, he says. 他表示:到2020年,四分之三的消费支出增长将来自新兴市场。
Its third European infrastructure fund is three-quarters invested but contains only two investments stakes in Brussels and Copenhagen airports. 这只欧洲基础设施基金已有四分之三的资金投资到位,但只有两个投资对象:布鲁塞尔机场和哥本哈根机场。
Overdraft fees account for more than three-quarters of service fees charged on customer deposits, he said. 他表示,在向客户存款收取的服务费中,透支费占到了四分之三以上。
About three-quarters of its portfolio is invested in the region, and almost 40 per cent in financial institutions. 该基金投资组合的约四分之三投资于亚洲地区,近40%投资于金融机构。
Three-quarters of last year's cases were in conflict-ridden areas. 在去年的病例中,有四分之三都出现在冲突多发地区。
Almost three-quarters of the 1010 respondents said they believed the Games would have no impact on their business whatsoever. 而1010名受访者当中,几乎有四分之三的人表示,他们认为奥运会将不会对他们的业务带来任何影响。
The region around Dalian produces three-quarters of China's exported apples and peaches. 大连附近的地区出产的苹果和桃子占中国苹果和桃子出口的四分之三。
In addition, three-quarters of the 130,000 foreign students in Japan work, many in convenience stores and restaurants. 此外,在日本留学的13万名外国学生中,有四分之三都打工,其中许多在便利店和餐厅工作。
He also found that senior managers spent more than three-quarters of their time in oral communication. 他还发现高级管理者花费四分之三的时间用在与人的口头沟通上。
They successfully rejoined a hand three-quarters cut off from the forearm. 他们成功地接活了一只和手臂已断离了四分之三的手。
Nearly three-quarters of the shares offered will be existing shares held by Alibaba group. 在香港上市发行的股票中,近四分之三为阿里巴巴集团持有的现有股票。
Since peaking in October 2007, mainland Chinese shares have lost nearly three-quarters of their value. 自2007年10月达到最高点以来,中国内地的股票市值已经蒸发了近四分之三。
Three-quarters of investors polled expect distributions of cash back from private equity investments to decline this year. 四分之三的受访者预计,今年私人股本投资派发的现金将有所减少。