He also stresses the responsibilities of managers, which he says are threefold: to achieve economic performance, to make work productive and to manage the social effects that any enterprise has on its environment. 他还强调了经理的责任问题,并认为这包含三个层面:实现经济效益,维持企业生命力,管理企业对其环境产生的社会效应。
The obstacles here are threefold. 这里有三重障碍。
In the UK, a World Health Organisation survey discovered a threefold increase in the number of teenagers who self-harm over the past 10 years. 在英国,世界卫生组织(WHO)的调查发现,过去10年,自残的青少年数量增加了两倍。
The number of recipes has increased threefold since April of last year to 27,000. 另外从去年四月至今,该网站分享的菜谱数量已经达到27000份,整整增长了三倍。
In the human study, those consuming high levels of plant-based protein had a threefold increase in cancer mortality but no higher rate of overall mortality. 在上述针对人类的研究中,那些摄取高植物蛋白的人群癌症死亡率增加了三倍,但并未出现更高的总体死亡率。
Home broadband use has also risen, to 191m last year, a threefold rise from five years prior, according to research by CLSA, the brokerage. 而根据经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)的研究,去年中国家庭宽带用户也增长到了1.91亿,是此前五年的三倍。
Within two years, the number of cab licences in Dublin had increased more than threefold. 随后不到两年,都柏林的出租车牌照数量就增加了两倍多。
Threefold Analysis and Instruction of Errors in Generalized Transitional Relative Clauses; a windlass rotated in a horizontal plane. 广义转折关系复句偏误的三个平面分析与教学在水平面旋转的绞盘。
Global trade in goods and services could rise more than threefold to$ 27 trillion in2030, and trade as a share of the global economy will rise from one-quarter today to more than one-third. 全球货物和服务贸易到2030年可能会增加三倍多,达到27万亿美元。贸易在全球经济中的比重将会从目前的四分之一增加到三分之一以上。
I suggest a threefold division of the national budget. 我建议将国家预算分割成三部分。
As we have pointed out, this blessing is threefold, a blessing of grace, love, and fellowship. 我们已经指出,这祝福乃是三重的,就是恩、爱与交通的祝福。
Mr koizumi's achievement is threefold. 小泉的成就只是个开端。
Those with ruptured eardrums had a nearly threefold greater risk of concussive brain injury. 鼓膜破裂的患者发生冲击性颅脑损伤的可能性增加至三倍。
But Australians are drinking less Australian wine, while imports, especially whites from New Zealand, have been increasing threefold between 2004 and 2008. 但澳大利亚人喝的澳大利亚葡萄酒越来越少了,与此同时进口的、尤其是来自新西兰的白葡萄酒却一直在增加,2004年至2008年间增长了2倍。
Almost a fifth of American ballots are now cast by mail, a threefold increase over 30 years. 在美国,有将近五分之一的选票是通过邮寄的,这个数字在过去30年里增加了2倍。
Thus the second-lowest energy level of the particle in a cube is threefold degenerate. 于是立方体中的第二最低能级是三重简并的。
Since the end of 2001, world steel prices have risen threefold, boosting the sector's profitability. 自2001年底以来,全球钢铁价格已上涨2倍,提升了该行业的盈利水平。
In the following six years commercial land prices in its six major cities increased threefold to three times higher than those in the United States at the time. 在接下来的六年的六个主要城市商业地产价格翻了三番,比美国的当时还要高三倍。
If it be asked what the subjunctive expresses, the answer is threefold. 如果要问虚拟证据可以表示什么,可以从三方面来回答。
The dangers are threefold. 这会带来三重危险。
The threefold division could perhaps be policed by a body such as the office for budget responsibility. 上述分割或许可由英国政府预算责任办公室这样的机构监管。
Second, OECD governments have experienced a threefold increase in their structural deficits, about a quarter of which is attributable to the drop in tax revenues, some of which may be permanent, for example, where they are related to financial services and housing. 其次,OECD成员国政府的结构性赤字增长了3倍,其中约四分之一源于税收收入减少。有些税收收入减少可能是永久性的,比如与金融服务和住宅相关的税收。
Seroquel use was associated with a nearly threefold adjusted increase in risk among the study population. 使用思瑞康与研究人群中校正风险增加接近3倍有关。
Paganism: If you send shit out into the world, it will return to you threefold. 异教:如果你在世上屙出狗屎,你就会遇到三倍的狗屎。
And our strategy is threefold: one, reduce demand, interdict supply, and then help people who have become addicts. 我们的策略分为三个层次:第一,减少需求,禁止供应,然后帮助那些对药物上瘾的人。
But its output per head is far higher in absolute terms, since US levels have themselves risen threefold. 但以绝对值计算,其人均产值则要高得多,因为美国经济自身增长了三倍。
By 2030 trade will have probably increased more than threefold, driven by rapid cross-border commercialisation of services. 到2030年,受跨境服务快速商业化的推动,全球贸易额可能会增长3倍多。