The vinyl covering proved popular, and some form of vinyl trim, embellished with opera windows and landau bars, would be seen on Thunderbird roofs for the next two decades. 乙烯基车顶果然大行其道,而且,一些配有后侧壁板小窗和双排座格栅的简化版乙烯基车顶在此后后二十年间的雷鸟车上依然可见。
With its 2012 fiscal budget$ 4 million in the red, the Thunderbird School of global management has agreed to grasp a sorely needed lifeline. 鉴于2012年的财政预算出现高达400万美元的赤字,雷鸟全球管理学院(ThunderbirdSchoolofGlobalManagement)已同意抓住一条亟需的救生索。
This will tell the server that the messages were not downloaded entirely, which will then allow your standard message retrieval program, such as Thunderbird, to download the message in its entirety. 这将告诉服务器没有完全下载消息,这将允许您使用Thunderbird之类的标准消息检索程序完整地下载该消息。
I've been using Thunderbird at work for years, and can personally vouch for its quality. 我一直使用雷鸟工作多年,并可以亲自其质量担保。
Mr Warner moved to China in 1998 with an MBA from Thunderbird. 华纳1998年拿着雷鸟商学院(thunderbird)的mba学位来到中国。
The Thunderbird School of global management in Arizona also plans to use the research to help determine what constitutes the neuroscience pattern of a global mindset. 位于亚利桑那州的雷鸟国际工商管理学院(thunderbirdschoolofglobalmanagement),也计划利用此项研究,帮助他们确定构成全球化思维的神经学特征。
As soon as I spied the1962 Ford Thunderbird at the used-car lot, her shiny exterior and killer interior beckoned me. 当我在二手车行发现了1962年的福特雷鸟,我就被它亮丽的外表和精致的内部设计所深深吸引。
So it has been assiduous in following the rules, and the Thunderbird has all the styling that buyers of these motorcycles demand. 因此,它力求遵守既有规则,让雷鸟拥有了买家渴望此类摩托车拥有的所有风格特征。
For the first time this year, graduates of Thunderbird in Arizona will take a solemn "professional oath of honour" that will commit them to be admirable and ethical managers of the future. 今年,亚利桑那州雷鸟国际管理学院(thunderbird)的毕业生将首次进行庄严的“职业荣誉宣誓”,承诺做一个令人钦佩、具有职业道德的未来经理人。
Forests provide security for wildlife habitats, animals are wild boar, wolves, tigers, leopards, bears and foxes, birds Thunderbird, pheasant, the river carp and eel a lot. 森林为野生动物提供安全的栖息地,兽类有野猪、狼、虎、豹、熊和狐狸,鸟类有雷鸟、雉鸡等,河中鲤鱼和鳗鱼甚多。
Earlier this year a group of entrepreneurs held an indoor market at the Arizona Campus of the Thunderbird School of global management. 今年早些时候,一批企业家在雷鸟国际工商管理学院(thunderbirdschoolofglobalmanagement)亚利桑那州校区举办了一个室内市场。
For the past four days he's been driving a rented Thunderbird, and living at the Warwick Hotel, which is no skid-row flop, believe me. 过去的四天内他一直驾驶着出租的“雷鸟”小汽车,住在沃里克旅馆,那决不是下等地区,相信我吧。
Mary Teagarden, a professor at the Thunderbird school of global management in Phoenix, Arizona, has been studying Chinese businesses for three decades. 美国亚利桑那州凤凰城雷鸟国际管理学院(Thunderbird)的玛丽•蒂加登(MaryTeagarden)教授已研究中国企业长达30载。
It doesn't index IM conversations or integrate well with mail clients other than Thunderbird. 它不能索引IM会话,或者不能和除Thunderbird以外的邮件客户端整合地很好。
At last the Thunderbird plunged on the young Orc, intending to shred her to pieces with his mighty beak. 最终雷鸟试图用巨喙将兽人撕成碎片,但是它的攻击都被船桨所承受。
But for riders seduced by the endless highway dream, who want something other than a Harley but with more character and heritage than the Japanese offerings, the Thunderbird could well hit the right spot. 但对于被一望无际的高速公路梦想诱惑的车手来说,雷鸟很可能正对他们的心思他们想要的摩托应不同于哈雷,但要比日本产品更有个性和传统。
Most of this behaviour is illegal so already attracts a higher sanction than the mere disapproval of the Thunderbird community. 这些行为多数是违法行为,会受到更严重的惩罚,而不仅仅是雷鸟商学院的反对。
But the Thunderbird is aimed at the traditional middle sector, an area in which it has not yet pitched a contender. 但是,雷鸟的定位是传统的中型摩托市场,在这一领域它目前尚无竞争对手。
Here is what they have to declare: As a Thunderbird and a global citizen, I promise: I will strive to act with honesty and integrity. 以下是他们必须宣誓的内容:作为一名雷鸟毕业生和全球公民,我承诺:我将努力做到行事诚实正直。
Dr Cabrera cites an example of a gift that Thunderbird eventually declined. 卡布雷拉列举了一笔最终被雷鸟拒绝的捐赠的例子。
The market at Thunderbird is part of a new model the school launched this year, colloquially called 'The Global Cohort' and run in partnership with the US Department of State. 雷鸟的这个室内市场是该学院今年推出的新模式的一部分,被通俗地称为全球军团(TheGlobalCohort),并与美国国务院合作。
Timing may also be an important consideration for prospective MBA students in the current environment, says Mr Valencia at Thunderbird. 雷鸟学院的巴伦西亚表示,在当前环境下,时机可能也是有意攻读mba课程的学员们的考虑重点。
What colour was the boyfriend's thunderbird? 那“男朋友”的雷鸟是什么颜色的?
How trouble-free do you think this Thunderbird will be? 你认为这个雷鸟怎么没有故障呢?
The Thunderbird masters in management degree provides aspiring young professionals – who may not have significant work experience – the opportunity to launch their careers and to compete successfully in a rapidly changing and competitive marketplace. 雷鸟管理硕士学位向有抱负的年轻职业人士他们或许没有出色的工作经验提供了机遇,让他们启动职业生涯,在一个快速变化、充满竞争的市场中成功展开竞争。
Classic design, a challenge to the future: Ford's new conception car, Thunderbird 经典设计挑战未来&福特雷鸟概念车