Roo also provides you an option to embed Twitter messages, documents, stock tickers, maps, photos, and video streams in your application. Roo还提供了一个选项,可以在您的应用程序中嵌入Twitter消息、文档、股票行情,地图,照片和视频流。
Other examples are sports scores, stock tickers, or e-mail programs. 另外还有一些例子,例如比赛的比分、股票行情或电子邮件程序。
Originally known as a way to jazz up Web pages with graphic animations stock tickers that crawl across your screen, for example, and dancing icons Java has quickly evolved into a whole lot more. 最初,它是以一种利用图形动画来活跃Web页面的一种方法闻名,例如,股票报价从屏幕上慢慢移动和跳跃的图标,Java很快全面介入。
Online exchanges have also sprouted, with tickers scrolling across the screen like stock markets. 此外,邮票在线交易也涌现出来,市场行情会像股市那样在屏幕上滚动显示。
Each tuple represents a pair of stock tickers and stock prices. 每个元组代表一对股票代码和股价。
Some flash the words "breaking news" all day and almost all crowd their screens with dazzling tickers and boxes. 有些整天快速打出“突发新闻”的字样,所有频道几乎都用眼花缭乱的新闻跑马灯和新闻框填满屏幕。
Scoops regularly appear on the tickers, only to be pulled when they prove to be wrong. 跑马灯常出现独家新闻的字眼,结果证明有误后给摘了下来。
Real-time dynamic web data such as news headlines, stock tickers, and auction updates need to be propagated to the users as soon as possible. 实时的动态数据比如新闻标题、证券报价和拍卖行情都需要尽快地发送给用户。