In the Define phase, you build the tie-ins to the SOA project and understand how to leverage the SOA. 在定义阶段,您将构建与SOA项目有关的各项内容,并了解如何利用SOA。
Use social-networking tools where they make sense, and keep in mind that the power of social networks is exploding and may make social-networking tie-ins a necessity in the near future. 在需要的地方使用社交网络工具。现在社交网络的威力开始爆发出来,在不久的将来社交网络将是不可或缺的。
By the end of this series, you should be able to install Ganglia and make tie-ins with Nagios, as well as answer the monitoring questions that the different user groups will ask you. 学完本系列,您应当能够安装Ganglia并与Nagios绑定在一起,并且可以回答不同的用户组向您询问的监视问题。
Social-networking tie-ins& Such tie-ons are not absolutely necessary at this point, but they can help with promotion and keeping community members up to date. 社交网络&社交网络在这里不是绝对必要的,但它们可以帮助社区成员保持了解最新的信息。
Toymakers have largely played safe with old favourites and TV and movie tie-ins, but have given them a technological or modern twist. 玩具制造商为了保险起见,仍然推出了经典的热销玩具产品及电视和电影中的相关玩具,而且他们将现代高科技技术融入其中,希望带给大家新颖时尚的感觉。
There are so many tie-ins around the legacy of Sherlock Holmes being 'born' in Portsmouth. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯与朴茨茅斯有着千丝万缕的联系,所以我们打算把主题公园建在这里。
Use of gamma ray for examination will be allowed for tie-ins and wherever radiography by X-ray is not possible, subjected to approval of employer. 允许使用伽马射线检测固定件,但无论何时都不能使用x射线照相术,服从雇主的批准。
Popular movie tie-ins done by tourism boards include France ( The Da Vinci Code) and Ireland ( P.S., I Love You). 旅游机构推出的热门电影主题旅游地包括法国(源于电影《达芬奇密码》)和爱尔兰(源于电影《附注:我爱你》)。
But, at the same time, a fairer division of the spoils should prompt more tie-ins, making everyone better off. 但与此同时,更为公平地划分战利品,应会促进更多的协作,从而让大家的日子都过得更好。
Remarkably, particularly for developers trained to look out for Microsoft platform tie-ins, there are none on this list. 值得注意的是,特别是对开发人员培训,以及如何寻找微软平台搭售,都有没有在此列表中说明。
Franchisor in the franchise contract would normally require some, such as restrictions on the marketing area, a fixed selling price, tie-ins, such as feedback terms restricting competition provisions. 特许人在特许经营合同中通常会规定一些诸如限制销售区域、固定销售价格、搭售、回授条款等的限制竞争行为条款。
Following a typical patent abuse behavior: refusal to license, malicious idle patents, patent fees overcharging, tie-ins, malicious litigation, spam warning letter, the use of technology standards patent monopoly. 以下几种为典型的专利权滥用行为:拒绝许可、恶意闲置专利、滥收专利费用、搭售、恶意诉讼、滥发警告函、利用专利进行技术标准垄断。