N-COUNT (尤指历史事件)年表 A timeline is a visual representation of a sequence of events, especially historical events.
A unique 13,000-word timeline runs through the full-colour volume, detailing events from the Earth's creation to the present day. 一份独一无二的 13,000 词的年表贯穿彩印卷的始终,详细记述了从地球诞生到今天发生的重大历史事件。
N-COUNT 时间期限 A timeline is the length of time that a project is expected to take.
Use your deadlines to establish the timeline for your research plan. 依据最后期限来确定研究计划的时间表。
Have the team establish their vision for getting to a solution, creating their own timelines and benchmarks. 让团队自己确定开发解决方案的目标,自行设定期限和基准。
In summary, because timelines are short, reuse is essential in meeting deadlines. 总之,因为时间线很短,所以重用对于满足最后期限非常重要。
Developers are often placed on tight project timelines. 开发人员常常处于紧张的项目进度中。
Whether it happens accidentally or intentionally to meet timelines and budgets is irrelevant if the vulnerability is exploited. 这种情况的出现是偶然的还是为了满足项目时限和预算有意为之,这与是否会利用该漏洞无关。
The next step is to plan the timelines for the project, which means that you specify the start and end dates for the release and the sprints. 接下来的一步,是为项目规划时间限制,这意味着您要为发布和冲刺指定起始和截止日期。
It will also be able to display friends 'timelines. 它还能够显示好友的时间轴。
Scope elements financials and timelines 范围元素的财务和时间线
Timely, accurate communication among disparate teams is critical to controlling project timelines, risks and costs. 不同团队之间精确有效的交流,对于控制项目时间限制、风险和成本来说,十分关键。
Clients wanted tightly controlled project timelines and budgets. 客户希望牢牢控制项目的周期和预算。
The timelines of testing within the iteration determine if sufficient time is available for test automation at all. 在迭代中测试的时限决定是否有充足的时间用于测试自动化。
Expectations generate other expectations, including project budgets, timelines, and requirements, as we have seen. 如我们所见,期望生成其他期望,包括项目预算、时间线和需求。
It also displays friends 'timelines. 它还显示了朋友们的时间表。
Customer resource availability, of people and machines, is critical to projects with tight timelines. 人员和机器方面的客户资源可用性对时间较紧的项目至关重要。
Figure 11 shows how can you define hierarchical timelines and iterations in the web client. 图11显示了您在Web客户端定义层次时间线和迭代的方式。
Jazz technology can support reasonably large teams with multiple timelines and subteams. Jazz技术可以使用多种时间限和子团队来支持相对较大的团队。
Recording timelines and expenditures for past projects provides the data that managers need to predict schedules and costs for similar projects. 对过去的项目记录时间期限和花费提供了为相似项目经理需要的预计时间表和成本的数据。
Hence, integration entails a combination of a steep learning curve and tight timelines for the developers. 因此,对于开发人员来说,集成就需要组合陡峭的学习曲线和紧张的时间线。
To ensure their efforts are not wasted, they make use of timelines to track progress. 为了保证努力没有白费,他们会利用时间表来跟进进度。
You're leading a conference call, talking project timelines, deliverables, and deadlines. 你主持了一个电话会议,讨论项目时间表、交付成果和截止期限。
Control: do team members hold each other accountable for project timelines, commitments, and results? 内部控制:团队成员是否对项目时间安排、应承担的义务和结果等共同负有责任?
Contains shapes for creating linear timelines with milestones and interval markers. 包含用于创建带里程碑和间隔标记的线性时间线的形状。
Create linear timelines with milestones and interval markers. 创建带里程碑和间隔标记的线形时间线。
We shorten development timelines, give package a consistent look, and make the boxes stand out. 我们节约了您的研发时间,展现包装的一致性,使您的包装脱颖而出。
The three most important Links are: Old Testament, New Testament, and Timelines. 三个主要的链接网是:旧约,新约,和年代表。
The script is already written in many timelines, it is up to you which timeline to review. 在很多线性的时间里,剧本早就写好了,选择重温哪一个线性时间取决在你。
If you wonder about the timelines and years used in the Lexicon, this is the place to start. 如果你想知道“百科全书”使用的时间线与年份的相关问题,这里将给你答案。
This brings a lot more pressure to perform within the timelines and budget. 这使更多的压力,以执行的时间表和预算。
Experience with budgets, timelines, and management of diverse teams. 在预算,时间表和与不同团队合作有经验。
Berlin has repeatedly insisted on tough timelines and stringent austerity measures in return for its support. 德国政府已反复表示,要获得其支持,就必须执行严格的时间表和严厉的紧缩措施。
Drag onto a page with multiple timelines to synchronize a common interval. Drop on any timeline. 拖到有多条时间线的绘图页后,可以使一个公用里程碑保持同步。拖到任一时间线上。