VERB 踮起脚走;蹑手蹑脚地走 If you tiptoe somewhere, you walk there very quietly without putting your heels on the floor when you walk.
She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window. 她溜下床,蹑手蹑脚地走到窗户旁边。
PHRASE 踮着脚 If you do something on tiptoe or on tiptoes, you do it standing or walking on the front part of your foot, without putting your heels on the ground.
She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it. 她把自行车斜靠在石墙上,踮起脚往墙内张望。
She stood on her tiptoes and scrutinized the bowls of chopped pickles, eggs, and onions. 她踮起脚尖,逐个仔细检查装有泡菜丁、鸡蛋和洋葱的碗。
The boy, not echoing, only kicks small pebbles with his tiptoes, here and there. 男孩子用脚尖踢着地上的小石子儿,没有回答。
Sometimes change tiptoes up and surprises you. 有时变革悄然而至,让你感到惊讶。
Bend the knees but no more than the tiptoes, knees inner buckle slightly. 屈膝下蹲,但膝不要超过脚尖,双膝盖略内扣。
The teacher in charge wants to act according to underachiever's actual situation, sets up the reasonable goal, lets them stand on tiptoes may fully and. 班主任要根据后进生的实际情况,设立合理的目标,让他们踮足可及。
Your stride length is enormous, and it gives you this animalistic, loping gait, since you're always on your tiptoes. 你的步幅大得惊人,因为你经常用脚尖着地所以会让你有一种类似动物奔跑的步态。
He had to stretch on his tiptoes to see the top of the workbench. 他得踮起脚尖才看得见工作的面。
Preliminary Analysis of Therapeutic Effects of AFO on Tiptoes of Children With Cerebral Palsy 踝足矫形器矫治脑瘫患儿尖足初步疗效分析
Perhaps the only exception is the southeast, which tiptoes through the tail end of hurricane season, hoping a storm like Floyd in1999 doesn't batter the region. 也许美国东南部是唯一的例外,小心翼翼地度过飓风季节,对1999年的弗洛伊德飓风心有余悸,希望不要再发生。
She saw a man in black creep about on tiptoes inside the sitting room. 她看见一个黑衣人在客厅里踮着脚尖走动。
We crept around on ( our) tiptoes so as not to disturb him. 为了不打扰他,我们蹑手蹑脚地走过去。
It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. 它踮着脚尖走过树梢,为些许叶片涂上红色的胭脂,然后乘着一簇蒲公英的种子掠过山谷,渐渐飘远。
She had to stretch on her tiptoes to reach them and was aware of her wet sandals and the jeans stretched tight across her bottom. 她得踮起脚跟才够得着,自己意识到凉鞋是温的,蓝色牛仔裤紧绷在臀部。
Clinical treatment of tiptoes of children with spastic cerebral palsy using ankle-foot orthosis 痉挛型脑性瘫痪尖足患儿临床治疗及其踝足矫形器的应用
On tiptoes I reached up and opened the heavy door. 我踮起脚尖伸手摸索着打开了它厚重的门。
The rabbit's long ears have two functions: The rabbit is easy to hear any noises made by the other animals which are going to harm the rabbit even if they were on their tiptoes. 兔子的长耳朵至少可以从两个方面帮助它:它们可以帮助兔子听到微弱的声音(像食肉动物悄悄接近时发出的声音),并确定声音来自何处。