In addition there is an Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana. 此外在地拉那有一所美术高等专科学院。
The White House is denying Albanian media reports that an enthusiastic souvenir hunter stole President Bush's watch from his wrist during a sea of handshaking Sunday near Tirana. 阿尔巴尼亚有媒体报导说,星期天在地拉那附近,一名热衷猎取纪念品的人在人海中跟来访的美国总统布希握手的时候趁机偷走了布希的手表,白宫方面对此加以否认。
One of those honored was Edi Rama, the mayor of Tirana, Albania. 其中一个受到表彰的是阿尔巴尼亚蒂若那市的市长埃迪?若玛。
Tirana is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Albania. 地拉那是阿尔巴尼亚首都,也是该国最大的城市。
While the first decade after communism was rough, the past decade has been kinder to the region that stretches from Tallinn and Tirana in the West to Vladivostok and Bishkek in the East. 虽然前苏联解体后的头十年形势紊乱,但过去十年本地区的形势较为稳定,从西部的塔林和地拉那到东部的海参巍和比什凯克都是如此。
Tirana is located at in the eponymous district and county. 地拉那坐落在和她同名的区域。
They have come out in support of hunger strikers who have been camped outside the prime minister's office in Tirana for the past two weeks. 他们的行动是为了支持过去两周一直在地拉那总理办公室外驻扎的绝食抗议者。
The mosaic stood in the main hall of Tirana's pyramid-shaped culture center, exactly where a larger-than-life sculpture of the late Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha used to stand. 这幅镶嵌画被悬挂在阿尔巴尼亚首都地拉那市金字塔形状的文化中心主厅里,那儿曾矗立着阿尔巴尼亚已故领导人恩维尔·霍查的宏伟雕塑。
Albanian Committee for Cultural Relations Abroad: Tirana. 阿尔巴尼亚国外文化关系委员会:地拉那。