Tests showed that wastewater discharge affected water quality and soil quality, especially on NH_4~+-N concentration of the water, TKN and TP concentration of the soil, in a wastewater treatment wetland ecosystem at Nanhui beach, estuary of Yangtze River. 试验结果表明,排污影响了南汇边滩湿地污水处理系统的水质和土质,尤其是对水体中的NH4+-N含量、土壤中的TKN和TP含量影响最大,对植物生长状况未造成明显影响。
The DSC measurements and OPM observation show that liquid crystal ′ s transition temperature from crystal to liquid crystal in composite membranes is lower about 30 ℃ than that of pure liquid crystal because of the interaction between the LC and PB molecules. 由于聚丁二烯分子与液晶分子的相互分散和交联的影响,使复合膜中的液晶相TKN比纯液晶的TKN降低了约30℃。
The results of the investigation were as follows: 1. The Mlss, Mlvss, cell density, size distribution, zeta potential, toxicity, TKN and protein content of marine denitrobacteria were determined respectively. 通过研究得到如下结论:(1)测定了海水反硝化细菌制剂的MLSS、MLVSS、细胞密度、粒径分布、Zeta电位、生物毒性、TKN和蛋白质含量等理化指标。
That is because COD/ TKN ratio determines the coefficient of influent flow distribution in multi-stage influent with optimal distribution. 这是由于采用优化流量分配的多段进水中,COD/TKN值决定流量分配系数。