You can exchange translation memories using TMX documents at two levels 使用TMX文档可以在两个层次上交换翻译存储
The main content of the TMX document is stored inside the element. TMX文档的主要内容保存在元素中。
This is the key reason why TMX format should be used as a complement to XLIFF. 这正是为何要用TMX格式补充XLIFF的主要原因。
Iterate through the lists adding an element from each list to the TMX file as elements. 遍历生成的列表,将列表中的元素作为添加到TMX文件中。
Open standards like TMX give translators, translation agencies, and companies that need localisation a reasonable degree of independence from tool vendors. TMX这样的开放标准可以帮助翻译人员、翻译机构和需要本地化的公司在一定程度上独立于工具厂商。
A few CAT programs generate TMX files that are not valid XML documents. 少数CAT工具生成的TMX文件不是有效的XML文档。
Import the resulting TMX file into the TM system. 将得到的TMX文件导入TM系统。
These pairs are usually stored in a special XML format called Translation Memory eXchange ( TMX), which all important translation tools support. 这些/对通常保存在专门的XML格式中,称为TranslationMemoryeXchange(TMX),所有主要的翻译工具都支持这种格式。
This new standard is better suited for creating and maintaining dictionaries and glossaries, but TMX provides a good alternative for beginners. 这一新标准更适合创建和维护词典、术语表,但是对于初学者而言,TMX不失为一种不错的替代品。
TBX, like TMX and XLIFF, provides portability between different terminology tools and allows certain independence from tools vendors. 与TMX、XLIFF类似,TBX提供了不同术语工具之间的可移植性,允许在一定程度上独立于工具提供商。
Other tools do not support multilingual TMX documents and restrict the number of allowed languages to two per file. 还有一些工具不支持多语言TMX文档,每个文件中支持的语言最多只能是两种。
The source code for a simple Java tool that validates TMX files accompanies this article& see Resources for download details. 本文所提供的用于验证TMX文件的简单Java工具的源代码,可以从参考资料中下载。
The team that wrote the TMX specifications noticed that the TMX standard is not enough for managing terminological data and created the TBX standard. 编写TMX规范的团队指出,TMX标准对于管理术语表数据还不够,因此创建了TBX标准。
Both specifications, XLIFF and TMX, contain all the elements necessary to store source document formatting information in XML format. XLIFF和TMX两种规范都包含以XML格式存储源文档格式化信息所需要的全部元素。
As XLIFF and TMX are both XML vocabularies, it is possible to use an XSL transformation to convert an XLIFF file to TMX format. XLIFF和TMX都是XML词汇表,因此可以使用XSL转换将XLIFF文件转化成TMX格式。
Glossaries in either TMX or TBX format can be used by CAT tools to provide partial translations in a Machine Translation-like style. 无论术语表采用TMX还是TBX格式,CAT工具都可以以类似机器翻译的方式用它提供部分翻译。
Nevertheless, TMX can also be used for creating and maintaining multilingual glossaries. 不管怎么说,TMX也可以用来创建和维护多语言的术语表。
Some programs only support old versions of TMX. 一些程序只支持旧版本的TMX。
The formal definition of TMX shown at the Localisation Industry Standards Association ( LISA) Web site states LocalisationIndustryStandardsAssociation(本地化行业标准协会,LISA)网站上给出了TMX的正式定义
TMX ( Translation Memory eXchange) is the vendor-neutral open XML standard for the exchange of Translation Memory ( TM) data created by Computer Aided Translation ( CAT) and localization tools. TMX(TranslationMemoryeXchange)是一种厂商中立的、开放式XML标准,用于交换计算机辅助翻译(CAT)和本地化工具创建的翻译存储(TM)数据。
Use a TMX editor to correct all misalignments caused by normal differences in sentence structure across the different languages. 使用TMX编辑器修正由于不同语言句子结构的一般差别造成的所有未对准的地方。
General information about the TMX document is described in the attributes of the element. 关于TMX文档的一般信息在元素的属性中描述。
This introductory article has briefly presented the most relevant XML standards used in the localisation industry XLIFF, TMX, and TBX and given hints on their usage. 这篇入门文章简要介绍了本地化过程中关系最为密切的XML标准:XLIFF、TMX和TBX,并说明了各自的用法。
In HTML, bold text is delimited with opening and closing tags, and those tags may be enclosed in/ pairs when saved in TMX documents. 在HTML中,粗体文本用起始和结束标签分隔,保存到TMX文档时这些标签可以放在/对中。
The purpose of TMX is to allow easier exchange of translation memory data between tools and/ or translation vendors with little or no loss of critical data during the process. TMX的目标是减缓不同工具和/或翻译机构之间译文记忆数据的交换,在交换过程中减少或者避免重要数据的损失。
It is important to note that as TMX and TBX are both XML-based, it is possible to use XSL transformations to convert data from one format to the other. 必须要指出,TMX和TBX都是基于XML的,因此可以通过XSL转换把数据从一种格式转化成另一种格式。
TMX includes the elements and, which can be used for adding terminological information to a document. TMX包含的和元素可用于向文档中添加术语信息。
Create an empty TMX file. 创建一个空白TMX文件。
A TMX document is an XML document whose root element is. TMX文档是根元素为的XML文档。
On Wednesday, the LSE said it would merge with TMX, operator of the Toronto Stock Exchange. 周三,伦敦证交所表示,将与多伦多证券交易所(tse)的运营商tmx合并。