TMZ reports that while no illegal drugs were in her hotel room, prescription drugs were found. 美国名人消息网称虽然警方在酒店房间未发现违禁毒品,但找到了一些处方药。
The paper` s report followed news of Jackson` s death first reported by the TMZ entertainment website, which said that the singer suffered a cardiac arrest. 事情发生后,TMZ娱乐网率先发布了杰克逊死亡的消息。随后,《洛杉矶时报》跟进了报道,称杰克逊因心脏停搏去世。
According to TMZ, Harry and his friends had invited women from the hotel bar up to their VIP suite, where they played a strip game at a pool table. 据该网站爆料,哈里王子和朋友们邀请了酒店酒吧的一些女性去他们的贵宾套房,在台球桌前玩儿起了脱衣游戏。
Justin talked with TMZ, and told them that when he settles down he wants to have kids in Canada! Justin接受TMZ采访时说,希望安定下来之后,自己的孩子能在加拿大出生。
But according to court documents obtained by TMZ, he had a daughter in 2011 with a woman named Alanna Turner. 但是根据TMZ拿到的法庭档案来看,他在2011年和一个名叫AlannaTurner的女子生了一个女儿。
Production company sources told TMZ the incident occurred due to a scheduling error that moved filming up before NYPD monitors arrived. 制作公司知情人士告诉TMZ,这次事件发生是因为日程安排出了问题,导致纽约警方监督人士到场前就开始了拍摄。
According to the website Bieber's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, contacted Yeater's lawyers on Friday to inform them that a paternity test will happen, and that they've already found a test lab. 我们从TMZ网站上了解到,比伯律师HowardWeitzman已经在周五的时候联系上了Yeater的律师,并告之他们将会进行亲子鉴定,他们已经找到了进行亲子鉴定的实验室。
The 34-year-old actor was recently captured by TMZ cameras while out and about in the city. He was asked if sex is the best exercise and he answered, well it helps. 这位34岁男演员最近接受了TMZ的视频采访,当被问到滚床单是不是最好的运动时他回答说,的确有帮助。
TMZ reports that this joyful lesbian liaison has been going on for a good six weeks. 据TMZ报道称,这对欢乐的恋人已经交往了六周。
TMZ reports that Walker was in a Porsche when the driver somehow lost control of the vehicle. It then slammed into either a post or a tree and then burst into flames and exploded. 外媒TMZ报道称,沃克当时乘坐的是一辆保时捷。司机不知因何原因对车失去了控制,进而撞向一个邮筒、或是一棵树,车辆立即起火燃烧、爆炸。
Manhattan residents saw people with guns, assumed they were real, and called the New York Police Department who dispatched officers to the scene, according to a report in TMZ on Wednesday. 根据TMZ周三报道,曼哈顿居民看见有人携带枪支,以为是真枪,就报警通知了纽约警局,警局随后安排了警员去了片场。
Talking to TMZ, he said: 'He was always yellow, and they painted him wrong once. 在和美国娱乐新闻网站TMZ的对话中他表示:他就该是黄色的,只是他们给他上错了一次色。
Unnamed sources told celebrity news website TMZ that Vanessa Bryant was filing for divorce because she believed her husband had been unfaithful again. 一位未透露姓名的消息来源告诉美国名人消息网TMZ,科比的妻子申请离婚,是因为她认为丈夫再次出轨不忠。
TMZ first reported the Stefani news. TMZ率先报道了这一消息。
The native born Canadian told TMZ that he wants to raise his family in his homeland! 生长在加拿大的贾斯汀比伯告诉TMZ,希望自己成家后家庭也能在祖国加拿大。
TMZ was first to report news of the split, citing growing apart as the cause of their breakup. TMZ首先披露了这一消息,两人之间的疏远被认为是分手的原因。
According to TMZ, Guerra claimed just hours before he died that he saw the pop star smoking cannabis through a pipe in the vehicle. 据TMZ爆料,那个名叫Guerra的狗仔死前几小时还声称他看到这位流行歌手在车内吸大麻。
According to reports from TMZ, Justin Bieber will take a DNA to prove he's not the father of Mariah Yeater's baby. 据TMZ报道,贾斯汀比伯将会通过验DNA的方式证明他不是MariahYeater孩子的父亲。
Roberts was released hours after her arrest because Peters declined to press charges, according to TMZ's report. 据TMZ报道,罗伯茨很快就被释放了,因为彼得斯没有对她提出指控。
The 22-year-old niece of actress Julia Roberts was taken into custody on July 7 in Montreal after getting into a fight with her beau that left 26-year-old Peters bloody, according to TMZ. 据TMZ报道,茱莉亚·罗伯茨的侄女、22岁的艾玛7月7日在蒙特利尔因和男友打架被逮捕,她还把26岁的男友彼得斯打出血了。
And TMZ has the photos. TMZ杂志曝光了这些照片。
TMZ reported that the neighbor called the police after Bieber's alleged antics, saying he threw at least 20 eggs at his home. TMZ报道邻居随后因贾斯汀的滑稽行为报警,并说他至少往他家扔了20个鸡蛋。
We all know about celebrity-stalking websites like Gawker and TMZ, and the harm they wantonly inflict. 我们都知道Gawker和TMZ等跟踪明星的网站以及它们对明星的肆意伤害。
TMZ reports that co-executors John Branca and John McClain have written to the networks president regarding the programme, which is due to air in the UK next month. 八卦网站TMZ报道说共同执行人约翰布兰卡和约翰麦克莱恩已经就该节目写信给频道总裁,这个节目预计下月在英国播出。
According to American website TMZ the wedding was attended by only a half dozen people. 据美国一家TMZ网站称,婚礼仪式只有6个人参加。
Total minutes on the internet service provider, which is also home to instant messaging service AIM and celebrity news site TMZ, fell by a quarter, highlighting the fall in user engagement. 这家互联网服务提供商旗下包括即时短信服务AIM和明星八卦网站TMZ,其浏览总时长减少了四分之一,突显出用户参与度的下降。
A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived. A cardiologist at UCLA tells TMZ Jackson died of cardiac arrest. 一位消息人士告诉我们时,杰克逊已经死了医护人员抵达。加州大学洛杉矶分校心脏病告诉TMZ网站杰克逊死于心脏骤停。
The plan, TMZ reported, is to teach writing and performing for many different genres of music to teenagers across the economic spectrum. TMZ报道说这个计划,将要教授所有经济承受范围内的青少年许多不同音乐种类的谱写和表演。