toadstools growing on fallen tree trunks. 在倒下的树干上长出的伞菌
I learned at an early age to distinguish toadstools from mushrooms. 我从小就学会分辨蘑菇和毒菌。
The knobs framed her face like dark toadstools. 头上的发髻让她的,整张脸就像一个伞菌。
Toadstools were collected from a range of pure stands of Betula and Pinus both in Britain and the U.S.A. 从英国和美国一系列桦木和松树纯林中收集蕈体。
Some mushrooms are good to eat, some, such as toadstools, are poisonous. 有的蘑菇很好吃,也有的,比如羊肚菌,是有毒的。
Toadstools are not edible. 毒菌是不能吃的。
Mushrooms, toadstools and mildew are all fungi. 蘑菇,蕈与白霉都是菌类植物。
Foxgloves, too& people will pull up the foxgloves, and ladies of an educational tendency even grub for toadstools to show them on the Monday in class. 还有毛地黄&常有人在林子里拔毛地黄。一些好为人师的太太们,甚至刨地采毒菌,好在星期一拿到班上示人。
And ladies of an educational tendency even grub for toadstools to show them on Monday in class. 投身教育的女士甚至挖走一些羊肚菌,好在星期一拿给班里的学生看。
An order of basidiomycetes that contains the mushrooms and toadstools. 担菌目,含蘑菇伞菌等。
Aiming to determine antifeedant properties or repellent qualities of higher fungi against insects, 71 species of mushrooms and toadstools were screened using Spodoptera littoralis as a model insect. 为确定高等真菌对昆虫的驱避及拒食作用,笔者以黑腹果蝇(Spodopterslitoralis)为样虫,对71种蘑菇包括毒蕈进行了筛选。
The number of patients in the second half obviously higher than that in the first half. Poisoning had a peak in July and August. Pesticide poisoning, toadstools poisoning, sting injury and bite has obvious seasonal characteristics. 中毒月分布中下半年患者人数(73.23%)明显高于上半年,每年7、8月份出现高峰,农药、毒蕈、动物蛰咬伤有明显季节性。