Still, there is, I'm told, a clause in the lease that says this property must be used as a tobacconist's-so that at least isn't going to change. 但又看到租赁条款说财产必须属烟草商所有,所以至少这点将不会改变。
A wooden effigy of a Native American holding a cluster of cigars, formerly used as the emblem of a tobacconist. 印第安人木雕像:土著美洲人的木制肖像,拿着一簇雪茄,以前作为烟草商的标志。
Then he patters away into the town, and talks in a highly serious voice to the tobacconist, incidentally buying an ounce of tobacco; 于是他就吧嗒吧嗒一路跑进城里,用一种相当严肃的口吻同买烟小贩交谈,偶尔也会买一盎司烟叶;
There's a tobacconist's on the corner. 街角处有一家烟草店。
The tobacconist wasn't even fluttered at his buying the ounce of tobacco'he knows that he purchases the same quantity of the same sort of tobacco every week. 买烟的小贩甚至不会因J姑父买了一盎司烟叶而兴奋不已;他知道姑父每周都会买一盎司同一品质的烟叶。