To the West and the southwest of the tableland lie the Togo mountains. 多哥的西部和西南部是多哥山脉。
The opposition says his family has ruled Togo for too long. 反对派称福雷纳辛贝家族已经统治多哥太久。
Switzerland beat Togo 2-0, while Ukraine trounced Saudi Arabia 4-0. 瑞士2比0战胜多哥,而乌克兰则以4比0大败沙特。
Rwanda, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Benin and Togo all nations in Sub-Saharan Africa are the least satisfied with their lives, the report said. 而撒哈拉以南非洲的大部分国家卢旺达,布隆迪,中非共和国,贝宁和多哥等则被该报告评为幸福指数最低的几个国家。
Last month, women in a civil rights group in Togo called a weeklong sex strike to try to force the president of the West African nation to resign. 上个月,多哥的一个民权组织中的妇女发起了为期一周的性罢工运动,目的是为了迫使西非总统辞职。
Three countries debut on the list this year: Mauritius, Slovakia, and Togo. 三个国家今年首次在排行榜上亮相了:毛里求斯、斯洛伐克以及多哥。
After the first half of the game, South Korea pushed for an equalizer against Togo. 经过上半埸的赛事后,南韩尽力追和多哥。
Serious adverse events have been reported rarely following immunization in a few endemic areas and among vaccinated travelers ( Brazil, Australia, the United States, Peru and Togo). 在一些流行地区和接受疫苗接种的旅行者(例如,在巴西、澳大利亚、美国、秘鲁和多哥)中,在免疫接种后出现严重不良事件的报告并不多见。
But I have togo home, and it's almost time for the curfew. 但是我必须要回家了,快到宵禁的时间了。
It's time togo to the cinema. 去电影院的时间到了。
When you look at TOGO with your imagination, you will see rolled toothpaste tube or bent chimney pipe. 当你凝视着TOGO,展开你的想象力时,展现在你眼前的也许是一管弯曲的牙膏或者烟囱。
What I need is togo back to work. 我所要的就是回来工作。
My life is in England now with Arsenal and with Togo. 我的现在是英格兰的阿森纳和多哥队。
Rapid needs assessments have been completed for Burkina Faso, Burundi, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, and Togo. 已经在布基纳法索、布隆迪、利比里亚、马里、塞拉利昂和多哥完成了快速需求评估。
Over the coming month, the World Bank expects to provide grant support to Togo, Yemen and Tajikistan. 下个月,世界银行可能为多哥、也门和塔吉克提供赠款。
Increasing number of cases are being reported from Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Sudan, Togo and Uganda. 喀麦隆、刚果、加蓬、苏丹、多哥和乌干达正在报告越来越多的病例。
Other countries to benefit from the first round of funding include Bangladesh, Haiti, Sierra Leone and Togo. 从该基金首批援助受益的其它国家包括孟加拉国、海地、塞拉利昂和多哥。
In June, requests will be processed for Tajikistan, Togo, and Yemen. 6月份将审批塔吉克斯坦、多哥和也门的请求。
In West Africa, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo have had outbreaks in2007. 西非的贝宁、加纳、尼日利亚和多哥在2007年爆发了禽流感。
One day, I made an appointment with Wang Ping togo to the bookstore together on Sunday. 一天,我和王萍相约周日一起去书店。
Elsewhere in west Africa, large-scale polio immunization campaigns have been carried out and/ or are being planned in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Togo. 在西非其它地方,正在开展或计划在贝宁、布基纳法索、马里、尼日尔和多哥开展大规模脊髓灰质炎免疫运动。
He scored the final goal of the game against togo. 他打入了同多个比赛中的最后一粒入球。
Bangladesh, Haiti, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Togo receive first round of funds from multi-donor Global Agriculture and Food Security Program ( GAFSP). 孟加拉国、海地、卢旺达、塞拉利昂和多哥将从由多个捐赠方资助的全球农业与粮食安全计划得到首批援助资金。
Capital and largest city of Togo; located in the S on the Gulf of Guinea. 多哥首都和最大城市;位于几内亚海湾南部。
We are the leading and government licenced contracting and Consultant company and among largest and main importer and distributor in Togo and also in West-Africa. 我们是主要的、政府批准的契约和顾问公司,也是多哥和西非地区大的、要的进口商和经销商。
I want youall Togo down there quickly. 我想你们都快点到那边去。
The12 countries taking part in the Yellow Fever Initiative are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, C ô te d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. 参加黄热病行动的12个国家为贝宁、布基纳法索、喀麦隆、科特迪瓦、加纳、几内亚、利比里亚、马里、尼日利亚、塞内加尔、塞拉利昂和多哥。