A true friend is one who overlook your failures and tolerates your successes. 只有能够宽恕你的过失并且嫉妒你的成功的人才是真正的朋友。
A value should be chosen that tolerates client and DataPower system time mismatches plus network response delays. 应该选择能容忍客户端和DataPower系统时间不匹配和网络响应延迟的情况的值。
In practice ARFM anticipates and tolerates a certain level of inconsistency between requests. 在实践中,ARFM会预料到并容忍请求之间存在一定程度的不一致。
Judging by the tortoises size, the mysterious pair has probably been together for a very long time, and the tortoise always plods faithfully by its owners side. It even tolerates the occasional silly costume! 从乌龟的大小看,这对神秘的二人组好像在一起有很久了。这只龟也一直忠诚地爬行在他主人的旁边,也能忍受偶尔有点二的服装。
In my recent conversation with some Chinese scientists, I called for creating an environment which encourages innovation, criticism and risk-taking and tolerates failure, an environment that encourages free exploration of new things and stimulates academic debate. 不久前,我同中国科学家交流时提出,要大力营造敢于创造、敢冒风险、敢于批判和宽容失败的环境,鼓励自由探索,提倡学术争鸣。
Chinese enterprises and Chinese-born employees of companies abroad have been implicated in a growing number of attempts to steal technology and other commercial secrets. Security researchers say Bei jing tolerates such theft and in some cases actively encourages it. 中国企业和海外公司的公司的雇员一直被指责试图盗窃技术和其他商业机密,安全研究人员称中国容忍这种盗窃行为,在某些情况下甚至还鼓励这种做法。
The supervisor tolerates no deviation from the rules; 督察不能容忍与规定有背离的行为。
The subsidiary reason is that the Party member, like the proletarian, tolerates present-day conditions partly because he has no standards of comparison. 那就是,党员所以和无产者那样能够容忍当前的生活条件,一部分原因是他没有比较的标准。
I would like to seek a woman who tolerates multi-culture, with a sense of humor but detail-oriented. 我在寻找一个愿意在异国他乡踏踏实实生活,喜欢并宽容多元文化,幽默且不失分寸的女性。
She hates sherry, tolerates wine, and occasionally sips at champagne to be sociable. 她讨厌雪利酒,可以喝一点葡萄酒,有时,为了社交她也喝一点香槟酒。
What are the losses and gains for an economy that tolerates corruption? 容忍腐败对一个经济体的损失和收益是什么?
For now, the US tolerates China's covert and overt attempts to discomfit the US. 至今为止,美国默许了中国公开与不公开的让美国难堪。
Nature tolerates no lies. 大自然容不得谎言。
The government tolerates smoking and drinking but not taking drugs. 政府允许抽烟喝酒,但不允许吸毒。
He never tolerates any evildoers and evil deeds. 他对于坏人坏事,从不姑息迁就。
Philosophy of course tolerates no mere assertions or conceits, and checks the free play of argumentative see-saw. 哲学当然不容许单纯的武断或妄自尊大,也不容许任意无端的往复辩论。
The outsourcing industry says it does not "encourage or discourage" office romances but tolerates them when they develop. 外包行业表示,“不鼓励也不阻止”办公室恋情,但一旦发生办公室恋情,会采取容忍的态度。
Yet because he has the magic touch, everyone he comes into contact with tolerates his coarseness. 不过,由于他有点石成金的魔力,每个与他打交道的人都容忍他的粗鲁。
While the regime, a complex blend of theocracy with more secular power structures, tolerates a degree of diversity, it likes to present itself as a united entity. 在容忍一定程度多元化的同时,采取政教合一复杂结构的伊朗政权,喜欢塑造出国家团结的形象。
American capitalism likes entrepreneurs to have a gleam in their eye, and even tolerates some clawing and scratching as long as the playing field is level and the fight is fair. 美国资本主义喜欢企业家野心勃勃,甚至容忍彼此激烈竞争,只要一切竞争合乎公平原则。
It is a biased book that raised/ played hob with historical facts. But history tolerates no distortion. 这是一本任意歪曲历史事实的有偏见的书。
The US political system tolerates pork-barrel clauses in state and federal laws to reward local special interests. 美国政治体系可以容忍州与联邦法律中存在一些条款,允许议员为选民争取政府拨款,回报当地的特殊利益。
No rational manager tolerates misconduct when the expected costs exceed the expected benefits. 没有一个理性的高管能容忍代价高于收益的不当行为。
The government tolerates all religions. 政府尊重各种宗教信仰。
The negative peace involves the absence of the direct violence, and it tolerates the structure violence; 消极和平关注的是直接暴力的不在场,它可以容忍结构性暴力;
This technique tolerates duty? cycle and phase? shift variations, and offers hardware modularity. 这种技术能承受工作周期和相移的变化,并带来硬件模块化的好处。
So long as the European Central Bank tolerates weak demand in the eurozone as a whole and core countries, above all Germany, continue to run vast trade surpluses, it will be nigh on impossible for weaker members to escape from their insolvency traps. 只要欧洲央行(ECB)对整个欧元区的需求疲软持容忍态度,同时核心成员国尤其是德国继续积累巨额贸易顺差,较脆弱的成员国就几乎不可能逃脱破产的厄运。
A true friend si one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your success. 真正的朋友能够忽略你的错误而容忍你的成功。
But history tolerates no distortion. 然而历史事实不容歪曲。
Moreover, this procedure affords good tolerates to alkylamine and thiophenol. 此外,并且对该方法的容忍能力进行研究,发现该方法同样可以很好的应用于苯硫酚与烷基胺类化合物。