Native XML databases are all about sacrificing storage and tolerating redundance in exchange for performance. 原生XML数据库都是以牺牲存储空间并容忍冗余为代价来换取性能的。
Whether out of inertia or selfishness, whether out of fear or a simple lack of moral imagination, we so often spend our lives as if in a fog, accepting injustice, rationalizing inequity, tolerating the intolerable. 无论出于惰性还是自私,无论出于恐惧或只是缺乏道德想象力,我们常常像生活在迷雾中,接受不公正、文饰不平等、容忍不可容忍的情形。
Tolerating uncomfortable emotions takes practice, but it becomes easier as your confidence grows. 容忍令人难受的情绪需要练习,但随着你的自信心不断增长,这会变得越来越容易。
These scandals indicate that tolerating bribes because "every other business is doing it" cements old-boys networks and selfishly disregards the needs of the public. 这些丑闻揭示了因为“其他的每家企业都这么做”而容忍贿赂的行为,巩固了私人关系网络,并自私地忽视公众的需要。
My secret little ways of tolerating my aloneness. 我的小小的忍受寂寞的秘密。
Smile a mistake of tolerating the other people, that meeting lets oneself become a big degree; 微笑着宽容别人的过失,那会让自己变得大度;
But it is hard to imagine the countries with floating exchange rates tolerating such a shift for long. 但难以想象的是,实行浮动汇率制的国家会长期容忍这种转移。
We will be in charge of certain media coverage of same, and we will not be tolerating any inappropriate media coverage. 我们将主导某些媒体,并将不容忍任何不实的媒体。
All patients were walking and tolerating a regular diet on the day of the surgery. 所有患者在手术当日均可步行并耐受普通膳食。
It gives him practice in delaying gratification and tolerating frustration. 这也是让他练习延迟欲望和容忍不满。
Most of us are impatient to know the detailed price and exact terms of a transaction; but actually tolerating vagueness for a while can be the more profitable path in the long term. 我们多数人都会急于了解一项交易的价格细节和准确条款,但实际上,在一定时间内容忍模糊状态,可能在长期带来更大的利润。
Encouraging discussion and tolerating dissent are among the most difficult parts of leadership. 鼓励讨论和容忍不同意见,是领导能力中最困难的部分。
This is likely to mean tolerating occasional bursts of rising prices. 这可能意味着要容忍时不时的价格飙升。
The reward for tolerating such behaviour is obvious: Saudi oil and natural gas, in large quantities and at reasonable prices. 容忍上述行为的好处是明显的,那就是数量庞大、价格合理的沙特石油和天然气。
Policymakers are then caught between throwing good money after bad or tolerating brutal adjustment, as their markets disappear. 政策制定者随后陷入两难境地:要么将错就错,继续投入新的资金;要么随着市场的消失,而忍受残酷的调整。
The US and other deficit countries will be raising savings and tolerating currency weakness for some time. 未来相当一段时间内,美国和其它赤字国将提高储蓄,并容许本币走弱。
The latter path means less central bank intervention in foreign exchange markets, and thus tolerating greater appreciation. 如果选择后者,意味着央行将减少对外汇市场的干预,从而容忍人民币更大幅度升值。
Yeah, I am charitable, but not enough for tolerating your fault like this. 是的,我宽厚仁慈,但远不足够于容忍你这样的错。
Thank you for tolerating me! 谢谢!大家容忍我!
As human, living means sharing, tolerating, understanding and being well in personality. 人嘛,活着就要学会分享,学会包容,学会理解,学会做人。
He's been accused of trying to grab more power and of tolerating routine abuses by the security forces. 他被指控试图掌握更多权利,而且容忍安全力量长期以来的滥用职权。
This article focuses on the analysis of the modern value of the lawsuit cultural heritage about non-litigation, accusing evils, tolerating concealing, overstepping indictment, etc. 本文就其无讼、告奸、容隐、越诉等诉讼文化遗产的现代价值进行剖析。
Using fiscal policy aggressively "will damage the already poor fiscal position but tolerating extended deflation and recession would probably be worse for the path of government debt," he said. 积极运用财政政策“将损害本已不佳的财政处境,但容忍通缩和衰退长期持续,对政府债务的发展方向来说很可能更糟,”他说。
For the love, patience and just plain hard work that go into raising a child? For running after a toddler, for understanding a moody teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows everything? 因为爱,耐心和辛勤的工作去养大自己的孩子吗?因为让姗姗学步的孩子能跑起来,因为理解一个喜怒无常的少年,因为容忍一个明白事理的大学生吗?
Rapid change in business, brought about by strong forces like globalization are mandating or at least tolerating an empirical approach. 全球化的强力推动,让业务快速发生变化,这强制推行了或者至少容许了经验方法。
Poppendieck said that that "the biggest defect we have now [ in software development] is tolerating defects". Poppendieck认为“现在[软件开发领域]最大的缺陷是容忍缺陷”。
The US could then maintain its recovery only by continuing to run large budget deficits and again tolerating debt-financed consumer demand. 然后,美国可能只有通过继续运营巨额预算赤字和再次容忍通过举债满足的消费者需求,来维持本国的复苏。
The Keynesian case for tolerating a budget deficit almost made itself. 凯恩斯主义理论对预算赤字的容忍,几乎就说明了这一点。
We will only get to realize our own iron will and strong tolerating ability after getting stricken heavily. 我们要唤起自己抵抗严重打击的钢铁般的意志和强大的忍耐力。
The third option is to muddle through, shedding a few duds and tolerating the rest. 第三种选择是得过且过,裁掉几个庸才,容忍其他的。