Well, Nannette, judging by those great tomes you are struggling with, we have something in common. 兰丽缇,从你阅读的那些大部头看来,我们有一些共同点。
These tomes assume the reader already has a working knowledge of the Java language and tool set; beginning Java books are staggeringly common and pretty much all of them cover the same basic material. 这些书籍假设读者已经有了Java语言和工具集的应用知识;Java入门书籍非常普遍,而且大多数讨论的是相同的基本内容。
This is one of those heavy tomes that its publisher, Osborne, is fond of ( 720 pages). 这是它的出版商―Osborne―喜欢出版的大部头书籍之一(720页)。
Library shelves groan with heavy tomes on the Russian revolutionary. 关于俄罗斯革命的大部头著作汗牛充栋。
During the day a tutor would ensure their noses stay in their tomes; in the evening the inward-bounders would be encouraged to relate what they had read to their lives. 白天老师确保大家静心读书寸步不离;晚上鼓励内省学习者们讲述如何把读到的东西与生活联系起来。
Though many of us like to buy books so we can annotate them and dog-ear pages for future reference, they can be quite pricey. For low-budget entertainment, you can visit your local library and bask in the glory of the countless tomes available there for free. 很多人都乐于购买书籍,做出注解,以便未来查阅之需,它们真的是无价的,而对于低预算的欣赏层面,你可以去当地的图书馆,那里放了无数本可以免费阅读的书籍。
Many of the works on the bookshelves in Gates 'office overlooking Lake Washington are scientific tomes on the diseases that he is combatting-of which, with characteristic diligence, he now has a deep personal understanding, according to others at the foundation. 在盖茨俯瞰华盛顿湖的办公室里,书架上摆放着很多关于盖茨所抗击疾病的科学著作。据盖茨基金会的人介绍,凭借着标志性的勤奋,如今盖茨对这些疾病有了深刻的个人理解。
The files disappear from the device when they are due ( which means no late fees, nor angst about lost or damaged tomes). 当文件到期时,它们将自动从设备上消失(这意味着没有滞纳金,也无需担心丢失或损坏煌煌巨著)。
But such tomes risk becoming outdated documents of nothing but historical interest. 但这类大部头著作面临的风险是:它们可能沦为过时的文献,除了其历史意义外,一无是处。
Touch your toes with your hands three tomes. 用你的手指摸你的脚趾三次。
Would you create a massive organisation of paid experts with layers of editors producing tomes that are controlled by copyright and trademark? Or would you wait for hobbyists, scientists and volunteer encyclopedists to produce, and search engines to organise, a cornucopia of information? 你会创建一个由有偿专家和各类编辑组成的庞大组织,创作受到版权和商标保护的鸿篇巨制,还是等待爱好者、科学家和自告奋勇的百科全书编纂者来创作、由搜索引擎来整理一本信息大全呢?
Weighty tomes are for a small number of specialists; How can the masses read them? However, this cannot go on for a long time, because the masses of the minority nationalities cannot bear such a heavy burden. 长篇的东西是少数搞专业的人读的,群众怎么读?但是老是这样不行,少数民族群众负担不起。
"Order of the Phoenix," the fifth book in the series, has nearly three times as many pages as" Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," the first book, and Rowling still plans two more tomes. 《哈利波特和凤凰社》是该系列丛书中的第五本,这本书的页数几乎是第一本《哈利波特与魔法石》的三倍。罗琳仍在计划另外两本大部头的书。
They keep their Yellow Pages tomes nearby. 他们把他们的黄页电话簿册留在附近。
She's written several weighty tomes on the subject. 她就这个主题已写了几大部有分量的书。
Great riches litter the lower halls, not only gems and magic items but art and literature and scholarly tomes. 大量的财富被扔在低层大厅里面,并不仅仅是宝石和魔法物品并且还有艺术品,图书以及学术文献。
After regulation, turn the burner off and on again several tomes to check that ignition occurs correctly. 调节后,关闭燃烧器然后再启动多次检查点火的正确性。
The first few rulings came with just two or three pages of explanation on crucial areas such as the definition of market share, compared with weighty tomes often issued by the US and EU authorities. 最初几项裁决只附有两三页针对关键领域的解释,例如市场份额的定义,相比之下,美国和欧盟相关部门常常会发布沉甸甸一本解释说明。
This has led to a proliferation of specialist childcare tomes, particularly in the US. 这使得专业育儿著作大量涌现,特别是在美国。
It was all tomes on the history of journalism. 要读的都是新闻史上留名的大部头。
In nowadays, the scientific technology of Soviet Union's army is more than one thousand tomes powerful than the Afghanistan's, but what's the result of the battle between the two above countries? 就现代而言,苏联军队的现代化科学技术与小小阿富汗相比反差何止千倍,苏联与阿富汗的较量最后如何?
Margaret meanwhile spent her days immersed in the law, studying tomes, writing essays and attending lectures at the Council of Legal Education. 同时,玛格丽特埋头学习法律,研究学术巨著,写论文,到法律教育委员会上课。
A. S. Byatt is still active in contemporary British literature arena as a distinguished female novelist, scholar and respected critic as well. She has a good reputation for creating profound and complicated tomes with superb talent. A.S.拜厄特是目前活跃在英国文坛的一位非常有才情的学者型女作家、评论家,以擅长创作才气横溢、艰深复杂的大部头作品著称于世。