n. 奎宁水,汤力水(一种味微苦、常加于烈性酒中的有气饮料); 补药; 滋补品; 护发液; 护肤液 tonic的复数
N-MASS 奎宁水(略有苦味的无色汽水,常与杜松子酒等调配饮用) Tonic or tonic water is a colourless fizzy drink that has a slightly bitter flavour and is often mixed with alcoholic drinks, especially gin.
Keeler sipped at his gin and tonic. 基勒小口抿着他加了奎宁水的杜松子酒。
...low-calorie tonics. 低热量的奎宁水
A glass of tonic can be referred to as a tonic or a tonic water . (一杯)奎宁水
I'll just have a tonic water. 我就来杯奎宁水吧。
N-MASS 补药;补剂;滋补药 A tonic is a medicine that makes you feel stronger, healthier, and less tired.
Britons are spending twice as much on health tonics as they were five years ago... 英国人如今在健康补药上花的钱是 5 年前的两倍。
Ginseng is generally known for its tonic properties. 人参以其滋补功效而广为人知。
N-COUNT 有兴奋(或激励)作用的事物 A tonic is anything that makes you feel stronger, more cheerful, or more enthusiastic.
Seeing Marcus at that moment was a great tonic... 在那一刻见到马库斯是非常令人兴奋的事。
His generous offer was a tremendous tonic for our morale. 他的慷慨相助对我们的士气是种极大的激励。
护肤液;护发液;生发水 Skin tonic or hair tonic is a liquid that you put on your skin or hair in order to improve it.
主音 The tonic of a musical scale is its first note.
Melissa had guzzled gin and tonics like they were lemonade. 梅利莎像喝柠檬汽水一样大口地喝着加奎宁水的杜松子酒。
It's preferable to eat foods than to take medicinal tonics. 药补不如食补。
I'll go to the bar and get two gin and tonics. 我去吧台叫两杯琴汤尼。
Chinese tonics such as ginseng or swallow nest are most suitable gifts for elderly people. 像人参、燕窝之类的中国滋补品对老人最合适。
He took her on a picnic with a thermos of gin and tonics; they married two months later. 比尔带了一水壶的酒,邀她一起外出野餐,两个月后两人就结为伉俪。
The Chinese believe that mixing tonics with food adds flavor to the food and is good for health. 中国人认为将补药和食物放在一起既可以丰富食物的味道又有益于健康。
Until now, the only ways of boosting dietary iron have been with costly supplements, in the form of pills and tonics, or by eating a balanced diet that includes iron-rich foods. 直到今天,增加膳食铁含量的唯一方法是使用昂贵的补充剂&以药片或者滋补剂的形式出现;或者摄取均衡的饮食,包括食用富含铁的食物。
Tonics of this kind all have the action of strengthening the physical function and promoting metabolism. 这类补品都能增强身体机能,促进新陈代谢。
The zoo then allegedly harvested the tigers'organs to create expensive "virility tonics," which rightfully caused a public outcry. 据说后来甚至从老虎的身上收集器官来创造昂贵的“阳刚滋补”品,直接引起了民众的强烈抗议。
I think you have a prejudice against tonics. 我认你对补药有偏见。
Anyway, caterpillar fungus is one of the traditional Chinese tonics. It's good for your health. 总之,虫草是一处中药补药,有益于身体健康。
Those in weak health need to take tonics. 体虚者需滋补营养。
In New England they call sodas tonics. 在新英格兰,他们把苏打水叫作滋补剂。
Always on the lookout for new, more effective fitness technologies, spas are catching on to gyro tonics, a dancer-designed exercise therapy similar to Pilates. 人们总是在寻找更新、更有效的健身方法,水疗、舞者设计的运动疗法类似普拉提。
Unlike its predecessor, which uses small pulsing movements to strengthen the core, gyro tonics borrows from tai chi, gymnastics, and yoga, and is designed to build and tone the whole body. 不同与它的前身,用小型脉冲,借用太极、体操和瑜伽术,以增强核心,其目的是要重塑和协调全身。
He was really into the herbalux digestive tonics. 他是真的对herbalux消化滋补品很感兴趣。
High-class tonics are prepared from superior materials. 上等补晶,选材精良。
The newly formulated health-strengthening tonics dare not guarantee to cure all diseases, But assure you of vigor and vitality with constant taking. 本厂新制强身补剂,不敢说包治百病,但常服本剂必能保您精力充沛。
The use of tonics in Chinese medicine, we must take care of the spleen and stomach. 在中药补药的使用时,必须照顾好脾胃。
Two vodka and tonics, please. 请给我两杯加奎宁水的伏特加。
State media parroted claims that the athletes were getting a legitimate boost from Chinese natural tonics. 官方媒体重复外界的说法称,运动员从中国天然补品中获得了好处这是合法的。
Effect of sports tonics in improving diastolic function of left ventricle diastole in kidney-yang deficiency model 运动补剂对肾阳虚模型左心室舒张功能影响的研究
Inexpensive, fun, simple to make and customize, they add the perfect decoration for a late night BBQ with a group of friends or a night of gin and tonics with the one you love. 这些灯笼便宜,有趣,设计方法简单,在与一群朋友深夜烧烤聚会上或与爱人的浪漫品酒夜里,会是最好的装饰。
This medicine will help to get you on your feet restorative drugs, exercises, tonics 这种药能使你恢复健康。促进健康恢复的药物、运动、滋补品
We are in the clinical application of Chinese medicine tonics, you should follow the inappropriate medication for the drug, the right medication is the complement principle. 我们在临床应用中药补药时,应该遵循用药不当为毒、正确用药才是补的原则。
Taking tonics in winter enaBles you to Be in high spirit all the year round. 冬令进补,可使您四季精神十足。