You know there's no justice for Toons anymore. 你知道对待卡通已经没有公正可言了。
We Toons may act idiotic, but we're not stupid. 我们卡通也许看起来白痴一些,但是我们不愚蠢。
The selling Chinese toons student The girl in the school uniforms with Chinese toons in their hands, were waiting for the buyers to buy their flowers. 《卖香椿的学生》穿着校服的小女孩,在街边手捧着香椿,等待着有人来买。
If you want your own custom biker art, contact Rotten Toons and I will quote you right away. 如果你想要自己的自定义骑车人的艺术,接触烂卡通,我会引你的权利。
"To those lovable characters, the toons!" “永远的赠与这些可爱的卡通人物们!”