For the moment, assume that all the toppings have the same price. 目前,假定所有浇头的价格都一样。
You'd want to allow enough toppings on a pizza that putting them all in the same table would become rather ugly. 您希望对一个比萨使用足够多的浇头,将它们全都放在同一张表中会变得十分难看。
After you create the table, you use one insert statement for each entry in your toppings array. 创建表后,需要对浇头数组中的每个条目使用一条insert语句。
The change you're going to make to the Slicr application is to retrieve the initial list of toppings from the server database rather than hardcoding them into the client code. 将对Slicr应用程序执行的更改是为了从服务器数据库中检索浇头的初始列表,而不是将浇头硬编码到客户机代码中。
A pizza is an order, a size, and a set of toppings. 一张比萨就等同于一份订单,涉及尺寸和一组浇头。
If infinite toppings aren't needed, you can include several topping fields in the Pizza table ( topping_1, topping_2, and so on). 如果不需要如此多的浇头,则可以将若干个浇头字段包括在比萨表中(topping1、topping2等等)。
The last database design problem is the pizza and toppings. 最后一个数据库设计问题是比萨和浇头。
In your case, that's the list of toppings. 在例子中,那就是浇头的列表。
You'll set up a Toppings table in which each topping has a name and a base price. 设置一张浇头表,其中每个浇头都有一个名称和一个底价。
One is obvious: Every pizza is the same price, independent of the number of toppings. 一个bug很明显:根据配料数量的不同,比萨饼的价格应该不一样,但是这个程序产生的价格都一样。
In this code, you can't return a value, so you must add the newly created toppings panel to the parent as part of this method. 在这段代码中,不能返回值,因此必须将新创建的Toppings面板作为此方法的一部分添加到父面板中。
The question is, how do you manage the relationship between pizza and toppings? 问题在于,如何管理比萨与浇头的关系?
You want to allow users to create a pizza with different toppings on each half. 您需要允许用户制作每一半具有不同浇头的一张比萨饼。
Different toppings can help vary the flavor try mayonnaise, honey mustard, even peanut butter if you want a real taste of the West. 不同的调料会产生不同的口味如果想要真正的西方风味,可以试试蛋黄酱、蜂蜜、芥末酱甚至是花生酱。
A salad is typically a good choice, but be aware that dressings and toppings like cheese and croutons can add fat and calories. 沙拉是非常典型的好选择,但是注意像奶酪和油炸面包丁这样的调料会增加脂肪和热量含量。
And help me pick the toppings and syrup. 帮我选上面的配料和糖浆。
You can then choose one or more deep-fried toppings. 然后你可以选择一种或几种油炸的食品盖在上面。
This ensures that you get enough nutrients and automatically reduces the amount of fat and calories you consume ( provided you don't go crazy with fatty dressings and toppings). 这不仅能保证你所需要的营养,而且能减少脂肪和卡路里的消耗(前提是你不迷恋多脂调味品和浇头)。
Feeling creative? Add your favorite toppings to a cheese pizza. 发挥你对吃的创意,将你最喜爱的配料加到起司比萨上。
Just add ice cream and your favorite ice-cream sundae toppings. 只要加入冰激凌,你最喜欢的冰激凌圣代就大功告成了。
The cake layers are crunchy just like cookies and the chocolate cream filling and the two toppings, caramel sauce and oatmeal topping make it a delicious cake. 就像是层层包裹的蛋糕、饼干和巧克力霜两充所作,焦糖酱、燕麦粥高居使它美味蛋糕。
How much does it cost for a shaved ice with two toppings? 加两种配料的刨冰要多少钱?
A: Yes, we provide Powdered Sugar, Peanut, Cinnamon, Chocolate, and Vanilla toppings. 是的,我们有供应糖粉、花生粉、肉桂粉、巧克力粉和香草粉。
She says she was given the idea of frozen yoghurt using a newer, more tart recipe and fresh fruit toppings by Mr Lee, a former student of the Parsons School of design in New York. 她说,曾在纽约帕森(parsons)设计学院学习的lee先生给她冷冻酸奶这个主意使用更新,更多馅饼配方和新鲜水果。
If it were up to me, the toppings are much tastier at Pizza Hut. 要是我说呀,必胜客的比萨浇头味道更好。
Many individuals have used this ingredient in creating syrups and other types of food toppings and glazes. 许多人用这种原料制作糖浆和其他类型的食品配料和釉料。
Toppings are extra and a white pizza-no red sauce, but garlic, cheese and marinated tomatoes-costs$ 120.99. 上面的浇头另算。一张白比萨(不加红酱,由大蒜、奶酪和腌制番茄制成的浇头)售价为120.99美元。
You can put a lot of different pizza toppings on a pizza base. 你可以在比萨饼底衬上加不同的顶配料。
Squeezable bottles of jellies, dessert toppings, and ketchup make the products easier to use and store. 可挤压的软瓶包装使果冻、甜点心上的装饰配料以及番茄酱更加容易食用和储存。
Heat transforms the toppings into transistors, conductors and insulators. 热把化学配品变成晶体管、导体和绝缘体。