And his master became angry and delivered him to the torturers until he would repay all that was owed. 主人就大怒,把他交给掌刑的,直到他还清了一切所欠的债。
She realized this, she recalls, when she found herself face to face with one of her torturers in the elevator of her new apartment block several years ago. 她回忆说,几年前当她发现自己和一名拷打她的人在她新公寓楼的电梯内面对面时,她就意识到了这点。
They say they still do not have the answers to all their questions and they want the killers and torturers to be tried and put behind bars. 她们说,她们所有的问题,至今无解,她们要求审判及囚禁那些凶手和刑求的人。
If the US fails to act or issues pardons then other countries can exercise jurisdiction over torturers who enter their territory. 如果美国做不到或者颁布赦免令那么其他国家可以对进入其国境的刑讯者行使司法管辖权。
A young boy who was employed by torturers saw the girl's terrible suffering. 一个男孩,他被折磨者雇用,看到女孩可怕的遭遇。
In particular, the French remembered Algeria, where they had spent years trying to subjugate an Arab population and had ended up as torturers. 尤其是法国人对阿尔及利亚记忆犹新&他们曾花费数年试图征服那里的阿拉伯民族,最终却落得施虐者的骂名。
Fathers are not only torturers but also victims of the old family systems. 父亲是旧制度的守护者,但同时也是受害者。