They will compete for prizes totalling nearly £ 3,000. 他们将为总额近3,000英镑的奖金展开争夺。
The write-off put CyberWorks in a position of negative shareholder equity totalling US$ 1.8 billion. 是次撇帐令电盈处于负资产状态,负资产总值十八亿美元。
A summary calculation has been applied to the Year totalling the Revenue for all the Sales regions. 已将摘要计算应用以汇总所有Salesregions的Revenue的Year。
The fund management industry buys and sells securities totalling$ 76tn, 40 per cent more than 10 years ago, and an amount equivalent to the size of the world economy. 资产管理业买卖的证券总额达76万亿美元,与全球经济规模相当,较十年前增长了40%。
The bribery suspects representatives of sports media and sports promotion firms are alleged to have been involved in schemes to make payments to the soccer functionaries delegates of Fifa and other functionaries of Fifa sub-organisations totalling more than$ 100m. 行贿嫌疑人包括体育媒体和体育推广公司的代表,他们涉嫌参与了向足球官员国际足联的代表以及国际足联下属机构的其他官员行贿总额逾1亿美元的计划。
Data from the Bank for International Settlements show Chinese nationals had international debt securities totalling$ 273bn at the end of 2013, more than five times the sum by residency. 国际清算银行(BIS)数据显示,2013年底,中国人持有的国际债务证券总额达2730亿美元,比以居住地计算的总额高出4倍以上。
In addition to blocking capital flight, such restrictions may also prevent depositors from rearranging their accounts to escape a levy of 20 per cent or more that is expected to be imposed on deposits totalling more than € 100,000. 这种限制措施除将阻止资本外逃外,可能还将阻止储户重新安排账户、以逃避预计将对存款超过10万欧元的储户征收的20%的税。
Cuts totalling about 10 per cent are expected in the city of London and other European financial centres. 预计伦敦金融城和其他欧洲金融中心的裁员幅度约为10%。
PLC Application in the Flow Measurement and Totalling PLC在流量显示和累积计量上的应用
The London-based auction house tallied sales totalling more than$ 363m at its spring and autumn Hong Kong auctions this year, compared with just$ 100m in 2003. 在今年的香港春季和秋季拍卖会上,这家总部位于伦敦的拍卖行拍品成交总额超过3.63亿美元,而2003年仅为1亿美元。
Three new contracts in three days totalling more than$ 3bn: good news for Ericsson investors, used to a gloomy tone from the world's biggest telecoms equipment maker. 3天获得了总值逾30亿美元的3份合同:对于已经习惯了爱立信(Ericsson)阴暗基调的投资者来说,这无疑是个好消息。
Over the past four years, central banks have been net buyers, with purchases totalling 368.8 tonnes in 2013. 过去4年里,各国央行一直是净买入者,2013年央行购买总量达到368.8吨。
The UN system is a major purchaser of goods and services, totalling over$ 4 billion a year. 联合国系统购买大量货物和服务,一年超过40亿美元。
He says he now expects to earn just 30,000 a year as an academic researcher and has accumulated debts totalling several hundred thousand pounds. 格拉纳蒂诺说,他现在预计,作为一名学术研究人员,他每年只能挣3万英镑,而且他还累积了总额达数十万英镑的债务。
In 2001, about 120 000 cheques totalling$ 20 billion was cleared through the two joint clearing facilities. 二零零一年,经这两项联合结算机制结算的支票约有12万张,总值200亿元。
The CFTC, which regulates interest rate futures and swaps, reached civil settlements with more than 20 energy companies totalling$ 300m. 负责监管利率期货和互换的美国商品期货交易委员会,则与20余家能源企业达成民事和解协议,和解金总额达3亿美元。
As a result, 4341 projects were approved, involving grants totalling about$ 2717 million. 结果,基金拨款约27.17亿元,资助4341项计划。
Even worse was the discovery of various overruns, shortfalls and hidden debts totalling € 3.4 billion, including as much as € 1.1 billion from the island of Madeira alone. 更糟糕的是近新发现的那各种各样总额高达340亿欧元的超额项,不足项以及隐性债务,单单马德拉岛就占了其中的110亿欧元。
PVM suffered a loss totalling a little under$ 10m. PVM遭受了总额近1000万美元的亏损。