He tottered to the fridge, got a beer and slumped at the table 他踉跄地走到冰箱前,拿出一瓶啤酒,一屁股坐在桌边。
The old lady tottered out of her room. 老太太颤巍巍地走出屋来。
When Becky returned, he limped and tottered in wild, joyous circles around her. 贝基回来后,他狂热而快乐地围着她一瘸一拐地打转。
It seemed hardly the face of a man alive, with such a deathlike hue; it was hardly a man with life in him, that tottered on his path so nervelessly, yet tottered, and did not fall! 他脸色那样死灰,实在不象一个活人的面孔;他那样无精打采地踉跄着,实在不象一个体内尚有生命的人;然而他还在跌跌撞撞地前进着,居然没有倒下!
As the Callaghan government tottered, the Conservatives rolled out a poster campaign showing a queue of supposedly unemployed people under the slogan Labour Isn't Working. 卡拉汉政府举步维艰,保守党趁机展开一场海报宣传活动,让一群貌似失业的工人打出工党不行了的口号。
Under the bundle tottered the old woman, her face as white as a linen sheet. 包袱底下,正是那位步履踉的老妇人,她的脸白的像块亚麻布。
The drunkard tottered along the road. 醉鬼在路上踉跄行走。
The tall chimney tottered and then collapsed. 那座高烟囱摇摇晃晃地倒了下来。
But the nationalist dream survived and, as the Austro-Hungarian Empire tottered towards its finale in the 19th century, bohemian Prague once again lifted its voice. 但民族主义者的梦想终于实现,奥匈帝国在19世纪步入终结,波希米亚的布拉格再次挺起胸膛说话了。
The German government was bankrupt by the end of 1923, and the Reich tottered on the brink of total economic ruin. 1923年底,德国政府破产,德意志帝国蹒跚于经济总崩溃的边缘。
She tottered to the window. 她踉踉跄跄地向窗户走去。
He tottered under a heavy load. 他在重担下摇摇晃晃地走。
Madly the beanstalk tottered and swayed under the ogre's weight. Identification of Pathogen Causing Soybean Stem Blight and Potential Geographic Distribution of Three Quarantine Pathogens of Soybean 妖魔巨大的身躯使豆茎猛烈晃动大豆茎枯病病原菌鉴定及3种检疫性大豆病原菌适生性分析
But he took her hand, and the contact thrilled her; her senses were giving way, and she almost tottered. 他只是握住她一只手,这种接触使她感到毛骨悚然;她失去了知觉,几乎是在蹒跚而行。
Weak with fever, the old woman tottered to the bed. 因发烧而虚弱,那老太太摇摇晃晃地走到床边。
The sun rose brightly, and all morning the man tottered and fell toward the ship on the shining sea. 太阳明亮地升起来了,整个早晨他都在蹒跚着,跌跌撞撞地朝着那闪亮的大海上的船走着。
Her sea-blue eyes were filmed over and when she walked down the steps toward the open car her long legs tottered like a crippled foal's. 她那海蓝色的眼睛戴着眼镜。在她走向车子的时候,步履蹒跚,宛若一个瘸了的小马驹。
The old lady tottered down the stairs. 老太太踉跄走下楼。
Allianz bought Dresdner in 2001 but the bank tottered through a string of crises, with each green shoot of revival almost as quickly withering. 安联于2001年收购德累斯顿,但其后,该银行磕磕绊绊地经历了一系列危机,复苏的萌芽每次几乎都同样迅速地枯萎了。
The old lady tottered downstairs. 老太太摇摇晃晃地走下楼梯。
In the bliss, in the agony her spirit failed and she tottered. concerned with or affecting physical as distinct from intellectual or psychological well-being. 在幸福中,在极度的痛苦中,她的精神衰竭了,她摇摇欲坠。不同于精神和心理上的,与身体有关或影响身体的幸福。
An under-officer of the battalion ran up and took the flag which tottered from its weight in Prince Andrey's hands, but he was at once killed. 这个兵营的士官跑到了前面,他拿起那面因为太重而在安德烈公爵手中摇摇晃晃的军旗,但是他马上就被击毙了。
Albert tottered and fell overpowered in a chair. 阿尔贝脚步踉跄,四肢无力地跌落在一张椅子里。