When the phone hacking scandal erupted at one of them, the news of the world, Rupert made one of his famously tough-minded decisions, abruptly closing the 168-year-old paper. 公司旗下的一家报纸《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)爆出窃听丑闻时,素以强硬作风著称的老默多克断然决定关闭这家有168年历史的报纸。
They live to think of themselves as tough-minded business men, yet they are push-overs for any hard luck story. 他们向来把自己想成硬心肠的商人,可是任何不幸的故事都会使他们受骗。
These early experiences, Yan muses, have informed his tough-minded, realist approach to foreign policy. 他若有所思地说,这些早年间的经历,决定了他在外交政策研究方法上的冷静思维和现实主义。
His book is tough-minded and sometimes pessimistic but there is nothing hysterical about it. 他的书客观现实,有时显得有些悲观,但决无歇斯底里的内容。
Be tough-minded, but tender hearted. 意志要坚强,但是心地要善良。
In the new era, authoresses take their pens to describe the existence situation of females, reflect the historical and tough-minded fate of females and try to constitute a female's realistic world. 新时期女作家纷纷拿起笔关注女性的生存状态,思索女性历史、实命运,构建女性理想世界。
Halsey is courageous, tough-minded and not afraid of risks. 哈尔西勇敢,坚强,敢于冒险。
Tough-minded optimists approach problems with a can-do philosophy and emerge stronger from tragedies. 意志坚强的乐观主义者在遇到问题时总是抱着一种“能行”的哲理,而且在困难中获得动力。
We need to take a tough-minded approach to these problems. 我们必须采取强硬坚决的措施来处理这些问题。
The politics of Sweden's crisis management were similarly tough-minded, though much quieter. 瑞典的危机管理在政治方面同样棘手,虽然相比之下要安静得多。
We need tough-minded soldiers in our army. 我们军队需要意志坚强的士兵。