v. 标榜; 吹捧; 吹嘘; 兜售; 推销; (尤指在剧院、体育场等外)倒卖高价票,卖黑市票 n. (音乐会、体育比赛等的)卖高价票的人,票贩子 tout的第三人称单数和复数
VERB 兜售;吹嘘 If someone touts something, they try to sell it or convince people that it is good.
It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates. 它具有美国竞选活动的典型特征,即通过华而不实的电视广告来吹嘘候选人。
…a popular advertising industry practice of using performers to tout products… 广告业常用的利用艺人来兜售产品的做法
He was being touted as the most interesting thing in pop… 他被吹捧为流行乐坛最有意思的家伙。
The product is touted as being completely natural. 该产品被吹嘘为是全天然的。
…a couple of highly touted novels. 几本被吹得天花乱坠的小说
VERB 兜揽;招徕 If someone touts for business or custom, they try to obtain it.
He visited Thailand and Singapore to tout for investment... 他访问了泰国与新加坡,以期招揽投资。
Minicabs are not allowed to tout for hire on the streets. 小型出租车禁止在街上兜揽生意。
VERB (在体育场或剧院外)倒卖(高价票) If someone touts tickets, they sell them outside a sports ground or theatre, usually for more than their original value.
...a man who made his money touting tickets... 靠倒票捞钱的人
The queue stretches several hundred yards and tickets are touted for a tenner. 队伍排得有几百码长,票被炒到 10 英镑一张。
in AM, use 美国英语用 scalp
票贩子;“黄牛” A tout is someone who sells things such as tickets unofficially, usually at prices which are higher than the official ones.
Did they use the "the guiding light of director conduct: business judgment," which Dinh touts in his opinion piece – or did they simply rely on management? 他们使用了丁恩在评论文章中吹嘘的“董事行为的指路明灯:商业判断”?还是仅仅依赖管理层?
Microsoft touts that this format is accessible and easily shared. Microsoft声称,这种格式易于访问和易于共享。
Package software touts its customizability, but there are limits to how much can be tailored. 打包软件吹嘘其可定制性,但还是有对定制程度的限制。
Each vendor naturally touts the strengths of their adopted approach, and highlights the weaknesses inherent in those of their competitors. 很自然地,每个供应商都吹捧他们采用的方法功能多么强大,同时也强调竞争对手采用的方法固有的弱点。
However, undercover reporters from the Sunday Times posing as Middle Eastern ticket touts claim to have found 27 officials and agents who were willing to do business. 但是《星期日泰晤士报》的暗访记者假装成中东票贩子,发现有27个官员和官方票务处乐意倒票。
On trips to Brazil for Carnival, he saw signs of the economic progress the country had made: Desperate hustlers, touts and money changers didn't swarm him at the airport any more. 在前往巴西参加狂欢节的途中,他看到尼日利亚取得经济进步的迹象:机场不再有骗子、票贩子和货币兑换商不顾一切地朝他涌来。
And while the music is a bit narrow in scope ( the website touts it as high quality noncommercial underground electronic dance music), it can serve as a good jumping-off point for those who want to see more of Chinese culture. 虽然该音乐节的乐曲范围有点窄(官网宣称它是高品质的非商业地下电子舞曲),但是对那些想更多了解中国文化的人来说,它是个很好的切入点。
While Alibaba touts itself as largest online and mobile commerce company in the world, the prospectus concedes that the company might become a target for anti-trust regulation in China, and it could be subject to new taxes. 尽管阿里巴巴宣称自己是全球最大的在线和移动商务公司,它在招股说明书中也承认自己可能会成为中国反垄断监管的目标。另外,它还承认可能会受到新税法的影响。
On the other, he touts his biracial, multicultural background as an advantage when it comes to representing the U.S.abroad. 另一方面,他使劲兜售自己的黑白混血的多元文化背景,就广泛代表美国来说,他的这种背景倒是一种优势。
The farming and pharmaceutical industry touts nuclear transfer as a way to make animals with desirable characteristics, such as production of cattle that produce human proteins in their milk. 畜牧和制药业把核移植技术视为获取特定性状动物的一种途径。例如,运用此技术得到产的奶中有人类蛋白质的牛。
Notwithstanding the illegality of this trade, you are advised for your own safety not to follow these touts into any private buildings. 由于这个行业是违法经营,而且为了个人的安全,请勿跟随表贩进入任何私人楼宇。
Billboards advertise utopian visions of Chongqing's future. Here, a sign touts peaceful development. 广告牌为重庆理想的未来做广告。这是一个兜售和平发展的迹象。
Hence the marketing push by Diageo, the London-based drinks giant that owns Johnnie Walker.A20-storey hoarding on the side of a skyscraper in Nairobi touts Johnnie Walker Black. 尊尼获加由总部位于伦敦的啤酒大亨迪阿吉奥经营,自从迪阿吉奥推动啤酒市场后,位于内罗毕摩天大厦的旁边20层楼的楼层都在向顾客兜售黑尊尼获加。
Its urban plan touts the city's integration with mountains, rivers and trees. 未来的南京城市规划也细细描绘着它的高山、河流与绿树。
One side touts the benefits of clean energy, calling for government support – federal subsidies, tax credits and stringent air quality, and fuel economy regulations – for renewable sources. 一方鼓吹清洁能源的好处,为可再生能源呼吁政府支持&联邦补贴、税收抵免和严格的空气质量标准以及对燃料经济性的监管。
In a country in which carmakers are establishing themselves and fighting foreign brands for market share, SAIC touts its British ties. 中国汽车制造商正纷纷努力站稳脚跟,与外国品牌争夺市场份额,在这种背景下,上汽大力宣传其与英国的关系。
It would also explain why ticket touts still make a living. 它也是票贩子之所以仍能维持生计的原因所在。
Once you disembark, hordes of taxi touts will pounce on you, asking if you would like a taxi to your hotel. 一旦你下车,很多的士托儿就会想你涌来,问你要不要作的士去酒店。
He touts the benefits of prevention, citing his own life-saving weight loss as an example. 他宣扬预防的好处,以他自己救命的减肥为例子。
Many vouchers are returned for cash, allowing touts and middlemen to make a healthy profit margin. 许多月饼券都被兑换成现金,这让券贩子和中间商赚取了不蜚的利润。
Although the iPad touts a microphone and speakers, how exactly voice chat will be implemented is still anyone's guess. 尽管iPad推出了话筒和扬声器,但究竟是否会植入语音电话仍然只是猜测。
With the weather warming up, illegal touts are already out in force in the main tourist areas along the harbour and seafront of Kato Paphos. 随着天气变暖,非法师爷是列于沿加藤帕福斯港口和海滨旅游区的主要力量了。
Mr Lu touts the "new Beijing, New Olympics" slogan as symbolising its efforts to pursue modernisation. 陆海军表示,“新北京、新奥运”的口号,象征北京追求现代化的努力。
The visitor has to throw off the swarm of guides and hotel touts who cluster round the station entrance. 游客不得不摆脱簇拥在车站入口处的那群向导和替旅馆揽客者的纠缠。