Separation of toxical aconitum alkaloids(ⅱ); 乌头中剧毒生物碱的提取分离(Ⅱ)
Study on Seroprevalence of Toxical Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Young Military Officers and Soldiers 某部青年官兵毒力型幽门螺杆菌感染的血清流行病学调查
Objective To provide literature basis and ideas for the research of systemic toxicity based on effective and toxical composition of Evodia rutaecarpa ( Juss.) Benth. 目的为进行基于功效和物质基础的吴茱萸系统毒性研究提供文献依据和研究思路。
It has been called in question on clinical safety, even not accepted by international market, due to toxical Semen Strychni as monarch drug which often induce adverse reaction. 但因其君药马钱子毒性较大,临床常有不良反应报道,从而影响该药的临床安全使用及国际准入。
Study on the toxical sensitivity of uterus of pregnant mouse by using TCDD 妊娠小鼠子宫对2,3,7,8-四氯苯二恶英毒性的敏感性研究
Of patients appearing clinical side and toxical effects, 78% were those in low DNA repair capability class. 临床出现毒副反应者中低修复型占78%。
Group I was given Qingfei oral liquid, which has the function to resolve phlegm and removing toxical material, and infusion liquid without any antivirus and antibiotics. Ⅰ组为试验组,口服具有开肺化痰解毒功用的清肺口服液,加用不含抗病毒抗菌药物的澄清静滴液;
This article is about the study on genetical toxical effects of five home made edible synthetic pigments by suing bioassay. 本文采用生物学检测技术,对五种国产食用合成色素的遗传毒理学效应进行研究。
It does not contain PVC, so during spot welding the toxical gas containing chlorine is not released. This sealant has better oil surface adhesion, thixotropy, elasticity, bonding strength and resistance to medium. 该胶不含PVC,点焊时不会放出含氯的有毒气体,具有较好的油面粘附性、触变性、弹性和粘接强度,耐介质性良好。
Major toxical effects were stomatitis, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. 主要毒性反应为口腔炎、腹泻、恶心、呕吐。
Study on genetical toxical effects of five edible synthetic pigments 五种食用合成色素的遗传毒理学效应研究
The study suggested that the edible synthetic pigments could induce chromosomes damage in plant sex cells and somatic cells, and that had genetical toxical effects with tested dose. 提示食用合成色素对植物性细胞和体细胞内的染色体都具有诱变效应,一定剂量下呈较强烈的遗传毒理学效应。
The contents of strychnine and brucine and the methodology should be determined by HPLC to control the toxical components. Meanwhile comparative study of strychnine and brucine contents from different processed products was performed. 为了控制毒性成分的含量,本研究采用HPLC法对士的宁碱和马钱子碱进行含量测定,并进行方法学考察,同时对马钱子不同炮制品所制成品中士的宁碱和马钱子碱含量进行比较研究。