To adjust the trademark and trade-names right conflict, after the introduction various countries different legislation pattern, two kinds of legislations pattern namely to establish separately the pattern and the unification pattern fit and unfit quality has made the comparative analysis. 在介绍世界各国不同的立法模式后对调整商标商号权利冲突的两种立法模式即分立模式和统一模式的优劣作出了比较分析。
For all this, conflicts between trademark and trade-names right has not been able to obtain the properly solution actually in the existing related legal laws and regulations in our country. 尽管如此,我国商标与商号权利冲突问题却未能在现有的相关法律法规中得到妥善解决。
The second part defines the related concepts of "conflicts between intellectual property rights"," the conflicts between trade-names and trademarks "and other concepts. 第二部分对知识产权权利冲突、商标权与商号权冲突等相关概念进行了界定,对商标权与商号权权利冲突进行了分类。
The first part mainly expounds the basic theory of the rights of trade-names and trademarks, and comparative analysis between the two rights. 第一部分主要阐述商标权、商号权的基础理论,并对二者进行比较分析。
At the same time, In the second part the author analyses the manifestations and causes of conflicts between trade-names and trademarks. 在第二部分同时对我国商标权与商号权冲突的表现形式及其原因进行了分析。
Trademarks and trade-names are essentially commercial tags. Their common feature is to identify the different goods and services, and their common value is to represent the goodwill. 商标与商号本质上都是一种商业标记,其共同功能在于具有识别性,共同价值在于其中的商誉。
As the similarity of trademarks and trade-names and trademarks, conflicts occur frequently between rights of them, so that the law enforcement officers and judicial officers are deeply headache in the course of resolving the conflicts. 由于商号与商标的相似性,商号权与商标权权利冲突突显,使执法和司法人员在实务过程中深感头疼。