Objective To ascertain the best ratio of Tramadol compound injection. 目的筛选曲马多复方注射剂的最佳镇痛作用配伍比例。
Analgesic effect of tramadol combined with fentanyl in patients after total hysterectomy; 目的探讨护理干预对子宫全切术后病人性生活的影响。
Studies on Process, Quality and Human Bioavailability of Tramadol Hydrochloride Rapidly Disintegrating Tablets 盐酸曲马多口腔崩解片的工艺、质量及生物利用度的研究
Comparison of intravenous analgesia with butorphanol and tramadol after hysterectomy 全子宫切除术后布托啡诺与曲马多静脉自控镇痛的比较
Objective To investigate the effect and the safety of tramadol with propofol anesthesia for hysteroscopic surgery. 目的探讨应用宫腔镜电切术治疗宫颈病变的临床效果。
The Observation of Low Dose Morphine Combined with Tramadol Analgesia in the Thoracic Surgery Patients 低剂量吗啡复合曲马多用于胸科手术后镇痛的观察
Study of propofol combined with tramadol on analgesia gastroscope in hyperpietics 丙泊酚联合曲马多在原发性高血压患者无痛胃镜中的应用研究
Effect of preemptive analgesia with flurbiprofen axetil on patient-controlled intravenous analgesia with tramadol in patients undergoing postburn plastic surgery 氟比洛芬酯超前镇痛对烧伤整形术后镇痛的影响
The clinical effect observation of tramadol compatibility diazepam and propofol vein anesthetics in painless induced abortion 曲马多配伍地西泮和异丙酚静脉麻醉用于无痛人工流产术的临床疗效观察
Clinical research of epidural ropivacaine infusion combined with fentanyl or tramadol for postoperative analgesia 罗哌卡因配伍曲马多或芬太尼术后硬膜外镇痛的临床研究
Combination of ropivacaine with pethidine, morphine or tramadol for postoperative PCEA 罗哌卡因伍用哌替啶、吗啡或曲马多用于术后硬膜外自控镇痛效果的比较
Effect of Intraoperative Injection of Flurbiprofen Axetil, Tramadol, and Fentanyl in Early Recovery Period after Remifentanil-based General Anesthesia 超前应用氟比洛芬酯、曲马多和芬太尼对雷米芬太尼复合麻醉苏醒期的影响
Key Proteins of Oxidative Stress and Addiction Potential Induced with Tramadol by Proteomics and Related Analytical Technologies in Zebrafish Brain 蛋白质组学及相关分析技术研究曲马多诱导斑马鱼脑氧化应激和依赖性潜力的关键蛋白质
Clinical Efficacy of Patient-controlled Analgesia for Young Children with Sufentanil Plus Tramadol Post-thoracotomy 舒芬太尼复合曲马多用于幼儿开胸术后静脉自控镇痛的临床观察
Study on the pharmacokinetics of paracetamol in compound tramadol and paracetamol tablet in Chinese healthy volunteers 复方氨酚曲马多片中对乙酰氨基酚的人体药代动力学研究
Effect of sufentanil compounded tramadol at different dosage on postoperative controlled intravenous analgesia 不同剂量舒芬太尼复合曲马多用于妇科术后静脉自控镇痛
Preemptive Analgesia with Lappaconitine and Tramadol after Gynaecological Laparoscopic Surgery: A Comparative Study 妇科腹腔镜手术高乌甲素与曲马多预镇痛的疗效和安全性比较
Analgesic Effect of Flurbiprofen Axetil with Tramadol on Patients during Recovery from General Anesthesia in Thoracotomy 氟比洛芬酯复合曲马多用于开胸患者全麻苏醒期镇痛效果研究
Conclusions: Intramuscular injection of tramadol and droperidol is helpful in prevention of shivering after epidural anesthesia. 结论:肌注曲马朵和氟哌啶有助于预防低位硬膜外麻醉后寒战。
Propofol and tramadol in gastroscope detection in patients with hypertension 丙泊酚复合曲马多在高血压患者胃镜检查中的应用
Comparison of effect of different dosages of tramadol in intravenous analgesia after mandible fracture operation 不同剂量曲马多用于下颌骨骨折内固定术后静脉镇痛效果比较
Fentanyl compound with tramadol intravenous anesthesia plus local anesthesia for thyroid gland operation 芬太尼复合曲马多静脉麻加局麻用于甲状腺手术
Tramadol: does it have a role in cancer pain management? 曲马多:是否可用于治疗癌痛?
Tramadol with Flurbiprofen Axetil Reduces Recovery Restlessness after General Anesthesia 曲马多联合氟比洛芬酯预防全麻苏醒期躁动
Assessment of propofol combined with tramadol for analgesia of induced abortion 丙泊酚复合曲马多用于无痛人工流产术600例临床分析
Propofol with Tramadol for Induced Abortion Anesthesia 异丙酚联合曲马多用于人工流产手术麻醉的体会
Objective To observe the analgetic effectiveness of tramadol plus antondin after hemorrhoidectomy and its safety. 目的观察曲马朵复合安痛定用于痔切除术后镇痛的有效性和安全性。
Results The best analgesic effect in Tramadol compound injection was in the ratio of A2B3. 结果曲马多复方注射剂的最佳比例为A2B3。
Objective To investigate the combination effect of tramadol and low dose propofol on emergence agitation in children receiving sevoflurane for adenotonsillectomy procedure. 目的研究曲马多复合小剂量丙泊酚对七氟醚麻醉患儿术后躁动的影响。
Objective To observe the effects of tramadol and midazolam with low-dose of morphine in epidural cavity. 目的观察曲马多复合咪唑安定与小剂量吗啡用于硬膜外腔镇痛的不同效果。