(tranquilliser 的复数) n. 镇静剂, 安定药, 止痛药 tranquilliser 的复数
Certain drugs such as benzodiazepines, which are tranquillisers and hypnotics. 某些药物,如苯二氮类药物,这是镇静剂和安眠药。
Tranquillisers or anti-depressants, to alleviate the stress of being American. This is a pure Chinese medicine, a true panacea against hypertension. ·镇静药和抗抑郁药,以减轻做美国人的压力。本品系纯中药制品,实为治高血压之灵丹妙药。
I take mild tranquillisers every night during the week. 整个星期我每天晚上都要服用温和的镇静剂。
I continued to go for a year, long after I had stopped taking the tranquillisers. 我连续上了一年的课,那时我早就停止服用镇定剂了。
I take some very strong tranquillisers which keep me dazed all day. 我吃了一些药性很强的镇静剂,弄得我整天迷迷糊糊的。
Another change is the rise of tranquillisers such as benzodiazepine and diazepam. 另一变化是苯二氮和安定一类的镇静剂的使用也在增加。