Transient, persistent, transactional, and XA messaging. 瞬态、持久性、事务性和XA消息传递。
We explain the differences between micro flow and macro flows in transactional behavior, parallelism, and performance. 我们解释了微工作流之间在事务行为、并行性和性能上的区别。
The transport service ensures reliable delivery and transactional integrity. 传输服务可确保可靠交付和事务完整性。
In this case, the API layer methods must have a transactional attribute of MANDATORY without any rollback logic. 在这种情况下,API层方法必须拥有一个事务属性MANDATORY,而不应包括任何回滚逻辑。
The Feature Pack for SCA provides implementation and interaction policies to provide transactional QoS for both components and interactions. FeaturePackforSCA提供了实现和交互策略,为组件和交互提供事务QoS。
The transactional options of the web service are declared and supported in the code and in the configuration file. 该Web服务的事务选项是在代码和配置文件中被声明和支持的。
This article provides a use case for point-to-point transactional models. 本文提供了点到点事务模型的一个用例。
Patterns can be transactional or non-transactional, and they can support dynamic SQL or stored procedures. 模式可以是事务的,也可以是非事务的,并且他们支持动态SQL或者存储过程。
This article described transactional concepts in WebSphere Process Server. 本文介绍了WebSphereProcessServer中的事务性概念。
The transaction method has a transactional attribute ( value) associated with it. 事务方法有与其相关的一个事务性属性(值)。
Asymmetry and transactional characteristics are also included as a part of the model. 模型还包含了不对称和事务型特性。
Business processes: Processes can be stateful and long-running, or transactional micro-flows. 业务流程:流程可以是有状态和长时间运行的,或者是事务型微流。
Policies that document QoS properties, such as transactional behavior and security. 策略,记录QoS属性,例如事务行为和安全性。
Is a pattern often encountered when transactional systems and the central MDM systems change master data. 在事务性系统和中心MDM系统都要修改主数据的情况下,常常遇到。
The transaction can use multiple transactional resources or multiple remote service provider running distributed requests. 事务可以使用运行分布式请求的多个事务资源或多个远程服务提供者。
In this article, I'll explain how the JCA transaction contract helps implement transactional behavior in e-business applications. 在本文中,我将解释JCA事务合约如何帮助电子商务应用程序实现事务性行为。
In this article, we will define and discuss the types of transactional logging. 在本文中,我们将定义和讨论事务性日志记录的类型。
You can also specify transactional behavior for steps within a long-running business process. 您也可以为长期运行的业务流程中的步骤指定事务行为。
The SCA runtime provides a transactional environment for the components to interact and coordinate with each other. SCA运行时为组件提供事务环境,以便彼此进行交互和协调。
In this example, we will perform a market basket analysis on transactional retail data. 这个示例中,我们将对零售交易数据进行市场购物篮分析。
This requires that the data from the transactional system be transformed before being loading into the warehouse table. 这需要在将来自事务系统的数据加载到数据仓库表中之前,对其进行转换。
Spring Web Flow facilitates JPA/ Hibernate programming in transactional atomic Web flows via the mechanism of flow-managed persistence. SpringWebFlow通过流管理的持久化机制简化了事务性原子Web流中的JPA/Hibernate编程。
The SCA container uses a two phase commit to achieve atomicity when multiple transactional resource managers are used. 当使用多个事务资源管理器时,SCA容器使用一个两阶段提交实现原子性。
For peer-to-peer transactional replication, partitioning inserts and updates is required. 对于对等事务性复制,需要对插入和更新进行分区。
In a business network you need trust, you need transactional integrity. 在业务网络中,你需要信任,需要事务完整性。
To reinitialize individual articles in snapshot and transactional publications, you must use stored procedures. 若要重新初始化快照发布和事务性发布中的单个项目,必须使用存储过程。
Updated information about which transactional replication features can be used with peer-to-peer replication. 更新了有关对等复制可以使用哪些事务复制功能的信息。
Web applications are inherently multi-user applications, and e-commerce applications are inherently stateful and transactional. Web应用是天生的多用户应用,电子商务应用天生也是有状态的和有事务的。
Merge replication and snapshot replication do not affect transaction log size, but transactional replication can. 合并复制和快照复制不影响事务日志的大小,但事务复制会影响。
Spring declarative transactional support for repositories that implement the ( optional) transactional feature. Spring声明性事务为那些实现了(可选)事务特性的仓库提供了支持。