Urban gardens have a function of improving ecological environment and transfiguring city image. 城市园林绿化具有改善城市生态环境和提高城市形象的功能。
The chrysalis will retain the power of transfiguring itself into the butterfly, and such transfiguration will, in due season, take place. 虫蛹都具有把自己蜕化为蝴蝶的能力,到了适当季节就会进行蜕化。
Transfiguring into sustainable health is a good daily intention as one runs one's small and large fusion energy flow. 当你运作自己的小型和大型融合能量流时,意愿转形到自我维生的健康中,是一个很好的每日意愿。
Stepping but not Transfiguring& On Mei Lanfang's Pattern of Beijing Opera reformation ‘移步’而不‘换形’&论京剧改革的梅兰芳模式
The pressure and response of head and mandible acceleration are important signs of wounding energy of blast injury, and the strain is an important biomechanical parameter measuring the transfiguring severity of bone and wounding effect of blast injury. 颌面部爆炸伤时冲击波压力、颅颌骨冲击加速度变化是爆炸伤致伤能量变化的重要标志:颅颌骨应变是衡量颌面部骨组织局部变形及爆炸伤致伤效应的重要生物力学参数。
Opportunity-oriented accounting is defined as consciously aggrandizing company's income and transfiguring financial position in the field which those accounting postulates still remain uncertain, in which it brings the effect of distorting the result of management and misrepresenting company's financial position. 寻机性会计是指在未明确规定会计准则的领域中,有意识地美化企业财务状况,或是高报企业收益,它歪曲了公司的经营成果以及财务状况。