If a politician transgresses, that is not the fault of the media. 如果政客行为失检,那可不是媒体的责任。
The film is excessively violent and transgresses the boundaries of good taste. 这部电影过度宣扬暴力,逾越了高尚品味的界限。
One who transgresses the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures whimsically acting under the impulse of desire, never attains perfection, neither happiness nor the supreme goal. 如果一个人违背《呋陀》经律,异想天开地在欲望冲动的驱使下胡作非为,他永远也不会获得圆满和幸福,更不会实现最高目标。
The first is that it transgresses the proper limits of the state. 第一种反对意见是,它超越了政府的合理界限。
The majority view was apparently that NEPA does impose substantive limits on agencies and that agency action is subject to judicial review if it transgresses these limits. 大多数观点认为,《国家环境政策法》确实把实质性的限制强加给了机构,如果机构违犯了这些限制的话,机构的行为必然受到司法审查。
His behavior transgresses social morality. 他的这种行为违背了社会公德。
If you speak to a Chinaman in a way that transgresses the code, he will laugh, because your words must be taken as spoken in jest if they are not to constitute an offence. 如果你用违反中国道施规则的方式和一个中国人讲话,那他一定会嘲笑你;如果中国人不想把你的行为看作是一种冒犯,那你的话必定被他们当作了笑料。
Those are the rules, and anyone who transgresses will be severely punished. 那些是规章制度,任何违反的人都会受到严惩。
Activity that transgresses moral or civil law. 违反道德和法律的动作行为。
A person who transgresses moral or civil law. 违反道德或民法的人。
He transgresses the distinctions between art, science and technology by his unique talents, and creates a series of poetic architectures that merge structure and movement. 他以其独有的设计天赋,超越了艺术,科学和技术间的彼此差异,创造出了一系列融合了结构学与运动学的诗意的建筑形态。
It is pointed out in this paper that in solving the boundary problem about steady state seepage in earth rockfilled dam, what is needed to determine in the iteration is not the entire free surface, but only the position where it transgresses. 本文指出,在求解水工建筑物具有自由面的稳定渗流问题的过程中,只需要通过迭代法确定坝体下游的逸出高程,而并不需要首先确定整个自由面的位置。
Regional disparities among east regions live up to the economic development rules basically, but them in west regions measures up to rules not well, evenly it transgresses them to some extent. 定性地来看,东部地区反映出来的居民收入的区域差异基本符合经济发展的规律,而西部地区其符合程度相对较弱,甚至有些年段违背了某些经济发展的理论。
The natures of doctors 'negligent treatment is objective negligence, and the negligence transgresses the attentive duties of doctors because every doctor must achieve his/ her relevant medical standards when he/ she is engaged in specific medical treatment. 医师的过失行为本质是一种客观过失,是对医师注意义务的违反,因为任何医师在自己从事特定的医疗行为时都必须达到相应的医疗水准。
He does not found his hermeneutics of the self upon itself; instead, he transgresses from the self, taking a roundabout path of non-self to reach the ultimate terminal of the being. 利科并没有把自我的解释学建立在自我之上,相反,他超越自我,从非我绕道迂回抵达存在的终极。
First, he transgresses both the epistemological and ontological hermeneutics, and consequently, he claims that his hermeneutics of the self must be a philosophy of detour. 第一,他同时超越了解释学的认识论和本体论,因此,他宣称他的自我的解释学必是一种迂回绕道的哲学。