
(transition 的过去分词) n. 转变, 转换, 变迁, 过渡时期, 临时转调
[化] 跃迁
transition 的过去分词



  1. Most of the discussion was on what needed to be done now as we transitioned from the security issues to the challenging economic issues
  2. There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company.
  3. This skill has been enormously valuable to me as I transitioned to pinterest.
  4. Then, as we hired a skilled operational CEO, I transitioned to driving strategic initiatives.
  5. Estonia, as a new member of the World Trade Organization and the European Union, has transitioned effectively to a modern market economy with strong ties to the west, including the pegging of its currency to the euro.
  6. However, by the time the content has been uploaded and is ready to be committed, the storage area to which it was originally assigned, has been transitioned to Full.
  7.   The orders are then transitioned through a custom life cycle from creation to completion.
  8. Having worked with many administrators who have transitioned to AIX from Solaris, the general rule is that it is a lot easier to transition from Solaris to AIX than the reverse.
  9. Once these phases are complete, the team can then enter the Develop and Deploy phases, where the plan is executed and finally transitioned into business operations.
  10. In1997, some of the same folks who were involved in creating virtualization on the mainframe were transitioned towards creating a hypervisor on IBM's midrange platform.
  11. This status might be that the activity has failed, started, stopped or ended and transitioned to another activity.
  12. If a storage area's closure date is reached, then the storage area state is transitioned to Closed.
  13. Computing technology has transitioned from mainframes to PCs and the client/ server model, and has now progressed to truly distributed computing.
  14. And the beauty of the tool is that we have now transitioned the production support activities to the client staff.
  15. She transitioned at age 72.
  16. It was attention that he had never experienced before he transitioned.
  17. Together they completed the 0.3-mile swim, 12.4-mile bike ride and 3.1-mile run, with Maddy pictured in her father's arms as they transitioned from section to section.
  18. That kind of stuff never happened before I transitioned.
  19. When the majority of apps work offline and you've fully transitioned away from desktop apps, a web-connected netbook, especially one that's affordable, could easily become your everyday computer.
  20. The import parser transitioned to an undefined state.
  21. Specifies when to roll back incomplete transactions when the database is transitioned from one state to another.
  22. This state is found only on the principal server after a failover has begun, but the server has not transitioned into the mirror role.
  23. Dogs and cats with gastrointestinal difficulties often respond VERY well to a raw food diet, and once transitioned need no other supplements to stay healthy and symptom free.
  24. Several projects have seen how easy it is to get PDE projects building with Tycho, and have transitioned the build platform as well as their repository.
  25. As part of our boot performance work, we have now transitioned to Upstart.
  26. These artefacts can then be transitioned across phases within a particular service development stream and/ or exchanged between different development streams.
  27. Do you truly believe that your loved ones once transitioned ask you to mourn for them for ever?
  28. We've actually come through a period of time where we've transitioned from analogue business to digital business, so we've had kind of declining analogue while we've been growing our digital revenues.
  29. While I gradually transitioned from working on an assembly line to working in quality, emotionally and mentally, I had known for a long time a quality career was something I wanted to pursue.