The only word was 'transvestism,' nothing was known of this at all, said Bobbi Swan, 84, of Clinton, Mich., just north of Detroit. 唯一的一个词就是‘异装癖’了,人们对此真的是一无所知,84岁的葆比·斯万(BobbiSwan)说。斯万来自位于密歇根州紧邻底特律南边的科林顿。
Why do men cross-dress? One argument is that transvestism or cross-dressing is a way of offering a challenge to society's preconceptions about gender. 为什么男人要变装?有一个理由是:变装是向社会固有的性别观念提出挑战的一种方式。
From here you can determine whether or not transvestism is enough to sate your feelings or if you think that they are further reaching into the realms of transgenderism. 由此,你可决定:变装还是不变装,才能够足以释放你的情感。或者,如果你认为,这种情感正在进入变性程度。
First, the anthropologists, not like the psychoanalysts, don't see transvestism as an inappropriate behavior, but a kind of custom. 首先,不像精神心理分析学者,人类学家并未视扮装为不当的行为,而是把它当成一种民俗来研究。
Many academic fields are interested in the research of transvestism, especially the psychoanalysis, woman and gender studies and anthropology. 目前主要有三个学术领域对此现象感到兴趣,分别是:人类学、妇女与性别研究,以及精神心理分析。
"Transgender" refers to the one whose biological gender and psychosocial gender is same through sex-change surgery, that they reached agreement with the opposite is different from the "transvestism" and "gay". 变性人是指通过变性手术使自己的生物性别与心理性别达到一致的人,他们不同于以着异性服装为癖好的异装癖及以同性为性对象的同性恋。