The response measures include discomfort ratings of whole body and local body parts, and the EMG of biceps brachii, anterior deltoid, upper trapezius and flexor digitorum. 量测变项除了全身及局部主观不舒适评比外,还有斜方肌上端、三角肌前端、二头肌及屈指肌的肌肉活动度。
Objective To investigate the composition and distribution of fiber types of SD rat trapezius muscle and evaluate the muscle function. 目的探讨大鼠斜方肌的肌纤维型组成和分布,借以了解该肌功能。
"The trapezius attaches high on your scalp, so if you hold a lot of tension in your upper body as you run, your head could ache," says Dr. “斜方肌连接高至您的头皮,如果跑步时您的上身过于紧张,您可能会头痛,”Bright博士说。
Muscles spanning the upper back, the middle trapezius and rhomboids, pull the shoulder blades towards the spine to open the front of the chest. 中斜方肌和菱形肌(贯穿上背部的肌肉)将肩胛骨向脊柱的方向拉,从而打开胸廓。
The middle trapezius and rhomboids draw the shoulder blades toward the spine, opening the front of the chest. 中斜方肌和菱形肌将肩胛骨向脊柱的方向拉,使胸廓前侧打开。
The lower trapezius, which spans the back, draws the shoulders downward. 下斜方肌贯穿背部,将肩膀向下拉。
The upper trapezius in the back and the anterior deltoids at the front of the shoulders lift the arms. 背部的上斜方肌和肩膀前侧的前三角肌上提手臂。
The lower third of the trapezius activates to draw the shoulders away from the neck. 下面三分之一的斜方肌运作,使肩膀向下沉远离耳朵。
Drop your trapezius skin. 下沉斜方肌的皮肤。
The trapezius muscle can help carry out several different movements. 斜方肌能协助进行几种不同的运动。
As your trapezius skin drops, lift the top of your chest and "circularize your armpit chest" more. 斜方肌的皮肤下沉的同时,提起胸的顶部并“腋窝胸腔环路”多些。
The lower portion of the trapezius draws the shoulders down the back, away from the ears, freeing the neck. 斜方肌下部将肩膀向下拉向背部远离耳朵,释放颈部。
Objective: To provide anatomic basis for lower trapezius flap transferred to reconstruct flexional functions of elbow and phalanges. 目的:为斜方肌下部肌瓣转位重建屈肘屈指功能提供解剖学基础。
The lower part of trapezius muscle was supplied by accessory nerve. 斜方肌下部受副神经支配。
To introduce the use of trapezius myocutaneous flap to repair the refractory wound surface of head and neck. 介绍斜方肌肌皮瓣在修复头颈部难治性创面中的应用,提供头颈部复杂创面修复的方案。
CONCLUSION: Inferiorly pedicled trapezius flap is ideal in one-stage repair of the oral-maxillofacial-vertical defects. 结论:下蒂型斜方肌皮瓣修复口腔、颌面及上颈部组织缺损的效果良好,成功率高,方法可靠,操作简单,是一种治疗颌骨放射性骨坏死的理想方法。
Conclusion Transpositional anastomosis the C7 posterior root to the spinal accessory nerve after radical neck dissection can well reconstruct the function of trapezius muscle. 结论根治性颈淋巴清扫术术中采用C7神经根后股一副神经移位吻合这一新方法能较好地重建斜方肌功能。
Vertical trapezius musculocutaneous flap was designed and transfered to repair occipital defects after neck dissection. 根据组织缺损部位和大小设计肌皮瓣,同期行颈清扫术后,将肌皮瓣转移至枕项部,修复缺损。
The cervical scars were repaired with expanded flap ( 11 cases), free flap ( 1 case) or trapezius muscular flap. 应用局部扩张皮瓣(11例)、游离皮瓣(1例)或斜方肌肌皮瓣(1例)转移修复各患者的颈部瘢痕。
One-stage reconstruction of maxillofacial defects by the use of the extended trapezius myocutaneous flaps in7 patients were reported. 利用延伸的斜方肌肌皮瓣一期修复7例面部、颊部及舌体的缺损,均获成活。
A Study on the Location of the Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius Motoneurons in the Rabbit by Means of the CT-HRP Method 用CT-HRP法研究家兔胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌运动神经元的中枢定位
Metheds: 18 patients with malignant tumor had defect on the skull base. The defect and the soft tissue were reconstructed through the island musculocutaneous flap of the lower trapezius, the temporalis muscle compound flap, and the pectoralis major myocutaneous and temporalis musculoosseous flap. 方法:在术中应用了斜方肌下部岛状肌皮瓣,胸大肌下部岛状肌皮瓣,颞肌复合组织瓣等各种修复方法分别对18例患者进行了一期修复。
Purpose this study via observes the functional recovery of shoulder abduction and change of the innervation of trapezius after transfering the spinal accessory nerve to suprascapular nerve through the dorsal approach. 目的通过后入路行副神经移位修复肩胛上神经,观察术后肩关节外展功能的恢复情况及对副神经支配的斜方肌运动的影响,探讨此术式的优点及影响疗效的因素。
From the perspective of the consistency, anterior bundle of deltoid and trapezius muscle are the main muscles influence the consistency of gun. 从被试运动员射击时持枪臂的一致性分析来看,斜方肌和三角肌前束是影响枪与枪一致性的主要肌肉。
This acupuncture method research not only effect on the interscapular region significantly, and the effect of the trapezius muscle of neck and shoulder joint pain and neck shoulder back sink stiff also obviously, but the effect is not satisfying for upper limb pain. 本课题研究的刺法不仅对肩胛骨内侧缘的疼痛疗效显著,而且斜方肌颈肩结合部疼痛和颈项肩背部沉僵的疗效也明显,但是对上肢疼痛疗效不满意。
Refer to the strength, the gluteus maximus, the upper trapezius and anterior deltoid muscle were more powerful. 从肌力上看,臀大肌、斜方肌上部、三角肌前部的肌力较大。
Supraclavicular artery also has branches into the trapezius muscle in the way. 锁骨上动脉在行进途中还发出分支进入斜方肌内。