The raison d 'ê tre of entities was to offer a consistent view of inconsistent file systems. 引入实体是为提供了不同文件系统的一致视图。
When market exchange is no longer so expensive, corporate enterprises begin to lose their raison d'ê tre. 当交易成本不再如此高昂,企业也就开始失去存在的理由。
Most notably, when credit derivatives were created back in the 1990s, the raison d'ê tre was to enable investors to make bets about credit risks, either to protect themselves from default or to earn income by selling that quasi-insurance to others. 尤其是,当信用衍生品在上世纪90年代被创造出来的时候,其存在理由是让投资者能够押注信用风险,要么让他们抵消违约风险,要么通过向其他人出售这种半保险产品来获取收入。
In a city where coffee and a glass of tap water can be ceremoniously served by a ma î tre d 'in black tie, it can be refreshing to interact with a cute waiter in a black T-shirt. 在这座隆重的城市里,连咖啡和自来水都由打着黑领结的服务生端上来。如果和你互动的是一个身穿黑T恤的可爱服务生,会是多么耳目一新!
The relationship will make Jean-Bernard the first boyfriend Cheryl has been with in the past seven months, following her split from Tre Holloway. 现在Jean-Bernard是谢丽尔自七个月前和TreHolloway分手以来的第一个男朋友。
Discussion of TRE Teaching Model in the Pedagogy Curriculum in Normal Colleges 高师教育学课程TRE教学模式探微
Maison Len& ocirc; tre was always a family affair, with wives and children helping and his chef-students happily supporting. 雷诺特之家则是家庭聚会上选:妻子孩子在一旁帮忙,他的厨师学生则在一旁开心辅助。
Locatedin the middle of the arid Mojave Desert, at the southern tip of thestate of Nevada, Las Vegas is an oasis of life, energy and money – acity whose raison d 'ê tre is entertainment. 位于中部的干旱莫哈韦沙漠,南端的内华达州,拉斯维加斯是绿洲的生命,精力和金钱-一个城市,其存在的理由是娱乐。
With security broadly restored, Minustah's raison d 'ê tre became fuzzier. 随着安全环境的日益恢复,特派团存在的理由也变得更加含混。
Topological resonance energy ( TRE) and bond resonance energy ( BRE) methods were applied to all the open structure isomers ( both cations and anions) of C36CH2 to investigate their aromaticity. 用键共振能和拓扑共振能方法对富勒烯C36CH2开环结构中的所有可能异构体及其阳离子和阴离子芳香性进行了研究。
Both countries need electricity to sustain the economic growth that has become the raison d'ê tre of both governments. 两国都需要电力来维持经济增长,而经济增长已成为两国政府存在的理由。
Thus, foliar nutrient resorption efficiency can reflect the ability of nutrient conservation, nutrient use efficiency and adaptation to nutrient-poor habitat of tre. 树木叶片的养分再吸收效率能够反映树木对养分保存、利用以及对养分贫瘠环境的适应能力。
Rivalry whirled round his wildly fashionable, featherlight, multicoloured and multiflavoured macaroons; if Mr Len ô tre was not their inventor, he still named his house Villa Macaron after them. 他的蛋黄杏仁饼干外形时尚、轻如羽毛、五彩缤纷、口味各异,在竞争者看来天花乱坠;就算雷诺特先生未曾发明这些,他还是用“蛋黄杏仁饼屋”给自己的蛋糕房命名。
"The one-child policy is their raison d 'ê tre," says Ms Kaufman. “独生子女政策就是理由”K女士说到。
Talk about psychological tre atment from "zhuge Liang borrows East wind" 从“诸葛亮借东风”说到心理治疗
In place of the patterned formality of Le N? tre's designs, architects such as Capability Brown preferred a new, softer romantic style that imitated rather than disciplined nature. 在勒诺特设计的传统的图案式的园林中,像能人布朗(CapabilityBrown)这样的建筑师更倾向于一种新的,柔性的浪漫主义风格。
Johnson gets past the door, she often needs to try out a few tables, looking for one that feels right, as a frustrated ma î tre d'h ô tel looks on. 有一次,当Johnson穿过餐馆门口,她往往需要试几张餐桌,寻找感觉正确的那张,让在旁边沮丧的领班观看。
Not that tre's anything wrong with the legal department. 在执法部门里不能出任何的错。
The UK will enjoy far greater sway over transatlantic and global affairs by becoming a leading voice within the EU than by investing in an Anglo-American coupling that has lost much of its raison d 'ê tre. 英国与其将精力耗费在已丧失了大部分存在理由的英美耦合上,不如努力成为欧盟内部的主导声音,这样反而能在跨大西洋及全球事务中获得大得多的影响力。
He would like every company in the world to revisit their raison d 'ê tre, drop their obsession with shareholder value, and find other ways of addressing the common good, such as by refocusing on entrepreneurship and creativity. 他希望世界上每一家公司都反思一下自己存在的理由,放弃对股东价值的痴迷,去寻找实现公益的其它途径,例如重新关注企业家精神和创造性。
Then there is the danger of undermining the government's raison d 'ê tre: its fiscal strategy. 而对于联合政府的存在理由却另藏危机,这便是它的财政政策。
But everything has a story, whether it's a narrative imposed on the surface by so-called commercial cinema or a raison d 'ê tre concealed inside the work in so-called experimental cinema. 但是,所有电影都有故事,不管是所谓的商业电影加在表面的叙事,还是隐藏在所谓的实验电影中的事物存在原因和目的。
Over 11 episodes Tre had succeeded at tasks including selling sexy photographs of fish and designing products for dogs, but on Week 11 he failed the most basic rule of job interviews and was fired from the programme. 在11出节目中,特雷成功地完成了任务,其中包括出售鱼类的性感照片和为狗狗设计产品等,但在第11周,他没能通过最基本的求职面试,因此被淘汰了。
Value creation is a corporation's raison d 'ê tre, the ultimate measure by which it is judged. 价值创造是一个公司存在的原因,也是衡量一个公司的最终尺度。
When Germany and Japan emerged from the devastation of the second world war, policymakers in both countries assumed that the raison d 'ê tre of finance was to support national reconstruction. 当德国和日本从二战的废墟中崛起时,两国的决策者均认为,财政存在的目的就是支持国家重建。
Using TRE and the T bus system can get you where you want to go quickly and inexpensively. 使用的T元件和总线系统可以让你在你想要去的迅速和廉价地。
Is tre someplace I can get a drink of water? 我在哪里可以喝水?
I am going to do something more difficult and less rewarding: find my son and see if I can cajole, force or bribe him to learn the past tense of avoir and ê tre. 我要去做一些难度更大、回报更少的事情:找到我儿子,看看是否可以威逼利诱,让他去学avoir和être的过去时。
ELISA of TRE was established based on this antibody. 基于此抗体建立了群勃龙的酶联免疫方法。
In addition, TRE plays an important role in controlling and treating animal diseases. 此外,在畜牧生产上,群勃龙在对动物疾病控制和治疗上起到重要的作用。