The art of construct mirrors and materializes trenchancy quality and susceptivity the essence of the dark culture. 建筑艺术鲜明、感地反映与体现了文化深层结构的本质。
The non-government organization is the trenchancy weapon for the United States and western nations to promote their values, and carry on military intervention and regime change. 非政府组织是美国等西方国家推行自己价值观,进行军事干预和政权更迭的有力武器。
It has characteristics of variations of form, denseness of distribution, all-sided functions and trenchancy of effect. 其主要特征表现为形式多样化、布密集化、能全面化、果鲜明化。
It echoes trenchancy to realism as well as complements and perfects relating theory. 这既是对客观现实的有力呼应,也是对相关理论的有益补充和完善。
This article holds that the televised documentary need tell of the true story, and it must exert itself the members of its characters 、 events and background of exhibition, and use the trenchancy expression to achieve the fascination of televised documentary by story. 而电视纪录片要讲述真实的故事,必须着力于人物、事件和背景这些构件的表现,用故事的有力表达实现电视纪录片的永恒魅力。
Symbiosis Cooperation Marketing is trenchancy weapon of Chinese retail enterprise. 建立共生型合作营销模式是中国零售企业迎接挑战的有力武器。
However, FDI is a trenchancy lever to adjust economy structure and to upgrade industry, an effective approach to evade international trade rampart and to avoid anti-dumping, a shortcut to obtain advanced technology overseas. 但进行对外直接投资是推进我国经济结构调整和产业升级的有力杠杆,是规避国际贸易壁垒,避免反倾销的有效途径,也是获得国外先进技术的捷径。
Mass customization has become a strong trenchancy weapon for enterprises to improve their competitiveness. 大规模定制应运而生,成为企业提升竞争力的有力武器。