Tired'of trendiness and materialism, Americans are rediscovering the joys of home life, basic values and things that last. 厌倦了时髦和物质主义的美国人开始重新挖掘家庭生活的乐趣,人的基本价值和持久的东西。
Now the neighborhood's louche reputation has given way to one of trendiness, as a number of intimate, fashionable restaurants have moved into this tiny Mayfair enclave. 现在临近的过去道德败坏的地方已经让位于一种时尚,很多暧昧新潮的餐厅挤进了梅费尔这块狭小的领地。
A test of a Chinese jargon word? s trendiness is if users translate it into a foreign language, according to its pronunciation. 检测一个汉语流行语新潮程度的方法之一是看有没有使用者把它翻译成外语。
Trendiness, elegance, charisma and quality are the true essences of the brand. 欧纳菲将永远实行时尚、优雅、精致、魅力的品牌真谛。
There are three main drivers of the girl-girl trend& four actually, once you get past the copycat trendiness that is inevitable when stars on awards shows do something sensational on camera. 推动“女女趋势”的原因主要有三&实际上是四个,明星上台领奖在镜头前亲密接触显然起了推波助澜的作用。