Posts, and rails, and old cautions to trespassers, and backs of mean houses, and patches of wretched vegetation, stared it out of countenance. 标竿、围栏、对入侵者的旧警告牌、简陋房屋的后背和长着衰败植物的地块瞪眼看着这条铁路,看得它局促不安。
The eviction of trespassers from its estates; 驱逐非法侵占屋村者;
Trespassers will is prosecuted, eg on a notice. 闲人莫入,违者必究(告示用语)。
They sang their sweet fierce music threatening trespassers. 它们唱起了威胁入侵者的热烈而悦耳的歌。
Soames had hung out a board marked "Trespassers will be prosecuted", and he barely acknowledged the young fellow's salute. 索米斯脸上已经挂一块闲人免进的牌子,年青人行礼时他只勉强点一下头。
Just what I was thinking. A trio of trespassers! 和我想的一样三个私闯禁地的人!
Trespassers don't get cookies! 擅闯者不能吃饼干!
Their territory is often "posted" with the skulls of trespassers. 他们的领土经常用擅闯者的头骨“标记”。
The settlers see them as trespassers and bar access to springs. 定居点的居民会把他们视作入侵者,禁止他们接近水源。
Another drug might incapacitate the mechanisms the bacteria use to divert lipids from the host cell to the chlamydial vacuole, halting the trespassers 'ability to hide. 另一种药物,则是造成披衣菌挪用宿主细胞脂质的机制失效,使得这些非法入侵者无法藏匿。
A trap set to catch trespassers or poachers. 捕人陷阱用来捕捉越过私地者或偷猎者的陷阱。
It's quick, easy and may save your account from unwanted trespassers. 这样做快捷而简单,并且能防止您的帐户受到难以预料的侵扰。