Although the origins of taekwondo date back thousands of years, the triathlon dates back to 1978. 跆拳道的起源可追溯到几千年以前,而铁人三项在1978年才诞生。
I had some luck recently at a triathlon finish line in Miami& and I didn't even have to break a sweat. 最近在迈阿密一项三项全能赛事的终点线附近我交上了“桃花运”&而且还不费吹灰之力。
The gold medals came from sailing and Triathlon ( Kate Allen). 金牌来自帆船和三项体能赛(由凯特.艾伦获得)。
You just created a simple Web application that creates, updates, removes, and reads triathlons in a database. 您刚刚创建了一个简单的Web应用程序,它可以在数据库中创建、更新、移除和读取triathlon。
If two triathlons have the same name, then the key could be a combination of the name and the date. 如果两个triathlon拥有相同的名称,那么可以将名称和日期组合起来作为键。
I won the Example Triathlon last year, then get back to whatever you were talking about before that. 大方而且简要地夸耀自己,比如说是的,我参加了三项全能运动。我去年获得了铁人三项参与奖。然后回到你之前谈论的话题上。
He and Maddy took part in the Sanford and Sun sprint triathlon on Sunday. 他和女儿麦蒂一起在上周日参加了全力冲刺的铁人三项比赛。
Or the triathlon off Alcatraz, beach volleyball at City Hall, rowing in McCovey Cove. 还有在阿尔卡特拉斯岛周边举办的铁人三项赛事、在市政厅附近举办的沙滩排球赛事、在麦考维湾举办的划艇赛事。
The area has produced champions in swimming, running and triathlon. 这个地区孕育了游泳、赛跑及铁人三项的冠军。
Cardiac conditions that required surgery have forced into retirement two winners of the Ironman Triathlon World Championship. 铁人三项世界锦标赛(IronmanTriathlonWorldChampionship)的两位冠军得主就因为心脏病需要动手术而被迫退役。
Add to this outlay a commitment of at least five or six hours a week for training in the pool, on the bike or running and triathlon begins to look like a way of life rather than just a sport. 除了这些费用之外,还要保证每周至少在泳池里、自行车上或跑步方面训练五、六个小时。铁人三项开始像一种生活方式,而不仅仅是一项运动了。
Any swimming stroke can be used in triathlon. 铁人三项赛的游泳可以采用任何泳姿。
We will celebrate the abilities of stage performers and creators by holding our own Theatrical Triathlon. 我们庆祝舞台表演的能力和拥有我们自己戏剧三项全能运动。
You don't have to play football, train for a triathlon and join a basketball league all at the same time. 你也不必同时踢足球,为三项全能参加训练,参加篮球联盟。
The men's triathlon won't baffle you. 这男子三项竞技啊肯定难不倒你。
Anyone can watch the triathlon, marathons, road cycling, and sailing-all free of charge. 任何人都能观看铁人三项、马拉松、公路自行车赛和帆船赛&它们全部免费。
A foot of a competitor is seen as he and others dive into the sea during the start of the men's triathlon race at the inaugural Youth Olympics on Monday Aug.16,2010 in Singapore. 一个竞争者的脚被认为是入海期间,男子铁人三项比赛在首届青年奥运会8月16日星期一开始,在新加坡,2010年他和其他潜水。
He completed the Blenheim triathlon last weekend in1hr43mins and looks to be suffering the after effects here in Montreal. 上周他完成了布伦海姆铁人三项赛,成绩是1小时43分钟,看起来在蒙特利尔这边他累坏了。
So, I came up with a "top ten" list of steps to improving your swim for a triathlon. “。所以,我提出了一个”十大“步骤来改善你铁人三项比赛中的游泳项目。
In elite competition and the participation of121 world-class triathlon, the race unfolds vibrant. 在精英赛和参与了121个世界级的铁人三项赛,比赛展现活力。
Shanghai Triathlon Club reserves all rights on the explanation of this brochure. 本规程解释权归上海铁人三项运动俱乐部所有。
It takes about two week for muscles and tendons to fully recover after an Ironman triathlon. 在男子铁人三项全能运动后,肌肉和韧带要化上约2周的时间才恢复。
Also unique to the citizens of friendly competition and watching sports, triathlon and enjoy the beauty of the Han River will provide the opportunity. 也是独特的友好的市民和观看体育比赛,铁人三项,欣赏美丽的汉江将提供机会。
Time off to train for a triathlon will probably be harder to come by. 请假去进行三项全能训练大概会变得更难。
Most people will say, 'I can't do a triathlon', it sounds ridiculous to them. 大多数人都会说:‘我可参加不了铁人三项,’这在他们听起来很荒唐。
The Triathlon is not one of the formal competitions in Olympic Games and Asian Games at present, but it could show the spirit of becoming faster and stronger for the mankind as well. 铁人三项赛目前还不是奥运会和亚运会的正式项目,但是它也能很好地展现人们追求更快更强的精神。
Triathlon became an Olympic event in 2000. 铁人三项于2000年成为奥运会比赛项目。
Triathlon begins with swimming, followed by cycling and running. 铁人三项开始是游泳,然后是自行车和赛跑。
With her devotion to the triathlon, she will succeed sooner or later. 随着她对航行事业的付出,她迟早将会成功。