Several Applied Basic Studies on Main Trichogramma Species for Application in Biological Control in China 我国主要应用赤眼蜂种的若干应用基础研究
The preliminary results of using Trichogramma to control Heliothis armigera had been reported. 报道了利用赤眼蜂防治棉铃虫的初试结果。
Cold storage facilitates more effective commercial rearing, transportation and inundative releases of Trichogramma spp. 对赤眼蜂进行冷贮有助于其商品化生产、运输和释放应用。
Study on Control Dendrolimus kikuchii with Trichogramma dendrolimi Egg Card Carrying Virus 应用带病毒的松毛虫赤眼蜂防治思茅松毛虫的研究
Using the "black box" method, the searching capacity of Trichogramma reproduced in alternative host eggs and that reared in artificial eggs were compared. 对人工卵繁殖赤眼蜂和替代昆虫寄主卵繁殖赤眼蜂室内搜索能力进行了比较研究。
Effects of Environmental Factors on Stability of Thelytoky of Trichogramma dendrolimi Infected with Wolbachia 外界生态因子对感染Wolbachia的松毛虫赤眼蜂生殖稳定性影响
Screening of the Trichogramma Species for Horizontal Transfer of Wolbachia Symbionts between Trichogramma Wasps 赤眼蜂种间沃尔巴克氏体水平人工转染供体蜂种的筛选
Optimization of ISSR-PCR analyses and molecular identification of different strains of Trichogramma spp 不同赤眼蜂品系ISSR-PCR条件优化及分子鉴定
Evaluation of Three New Pesticides Acute Toxicity and Safety on Trichogramma 3种新型农药对赤眼蜂的急性毒性和安全性评价
The Breeding of Trichogramma Dendrolimi and Its Application on the Prevention of Corn Borer 松毛虫赤眼蜂的繁育及在防治玉米螟上的应用
The toxicity of abamectin on different developmental stages of Trichogramma evanescens and effects on its population dynamics were studied. 研究了阿维菌素对广赤眼蜂不同发育阶段的毒性和实验种群动态的影响。
The plate sensillum on the antenna of Trichogramma dendrolimi is a vaulted elongate plate elevated above the antennal surface. 以扫描电镜观察到松毛虫赤眼蜂(Trichogrammadendrolimi)触角板状感器呈穹形长板状隆起在触角的表面。
A long-term storage test under constant temperature of 3 ℃ was carried out to undiapause Trichogramma dendrolimi of six stages of growth including young larvae, middle larvae, old larvae, prepupa, initial pupa, middle pupa. 在3℃恒温条件下,对非滞育的松毛虫赤眼蜂的小幼虫期、幼虫中期、老熟幼虫期、预蛹期、蛹初期和蛹中期6个虫态进行了长期的贮存试验。
Advances of in vitro rearing of Trichogramma 体外培育赤眼蜂研究进展
Radiation preservation study on middle host eggs of Trichogramma Species 赤眼蜂中间寄主卵辐射保鲜研究
Study on Host of Trichogramma dendrolimi in Pine Forest 松毛虫赤眼蜂林间寄主研究
Comparison study of suitability of Ostrinia furnacalis egg for three Trichogramma species 亚洲玉米螟卵对3种赤眼蜂的适合性比较
The influence of the thickness of host eggs chorion on the longevity and fecundity of Trichogramma confusum 寄主卵壳厚度对拟澳洲赤眼蜂寿命和产卵量的影响
This paper was mainly to research on the standard of the quality control of mass rearing Trichogramma with artificial host eggs. 本文主要对利用人工卵大量繁殖赤眼蜂的质量控制标准进行深入探讨,并提出在繁蜂过程中影响赤眼蜂品质的关键因素。
Effect of Trichogramma Breeding Methods on Egg Quality 不同发蛾方式对繁育赤眼蜂用卵质量的影响
Preliminary studies on the distribution of Trichogramma on different plant 赤眼蜂在不同生境植物上分布的初步研究
Age-connective Control of Corn Borer with Trichogramma Dendrolimi 松毛虫赤眼蜂连代防治玉米螟技术研究
The Study on Distribution of Different Species of Trichogramma and Growth and Decline of Dominate Species in Hebei Province 河北省赤眼蜂不同种类分布及优势种田间消长研究
Study of parasitic behavior of trichogramma(ⅱ) affect of mating behavior on sex ratio of progeny 赤眼蜂寄生行为研究(Ⅱ)&雌蜂交配行为与子代性比
The establishment and application of the experimental population life tables of Trichogramma spp. on different hosts 赤眼蜂实验种群生命表的编制与应用
Application of Trichogramma insects in forestry 赤眼蜂在林业上的应用
The infection of Wolbachia in all the Trichogramma species in this study are found using the molecular method based on wsp gene, and 12 wsp sequences are obtained in which 11 wsp sequences have submitted to GenBank. 通过基于wsp基因的分子检测手段的研究证明了以上赤眼蜂种群内均有Wolbachia的感染,得到了12条wsp基因序列,其中11条在GenBank上注册并成功获得了注册号。
Using Trichogramma spp. to control sugarcane and corn borers in Taiwan Province 台湾省利用赤眼蜂防治蔗螟和玉米螟
Oviposition behavior of twelve species of Trichogramma and its influence on the efficiency of rearing them in vitro 十二种赤眼蜂的产卵行为及其与体外培育成功率的关系
The main contents include: 1. To carry out the work of releasing the Trichogramma japonicum to control the rice leaf roller and stem borer in paddy. 结论如下:1、开展了稻田释放稻螟赤眼蜂防治水稻稻纵卷叶螟和二化螟的工作。