The thesis includes three parts: the first part introduces the long process from Asian Art Show hosted by Fukuoka City Art Museum to the Fukuoka Asian Art Triennial held by Fukuoka Asian Art Museum; 首先介绍的是由福冈市美术馆举办的“亚洲美术展”转变为福冈亚洲美术馆与三年展的发展历程;
The First Triennial of Chinese Arts, Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China; 参加《中国艺术三年展》(广州博物院);
London accounts for 34.1 per cent of daily volume on the global foreign exchange market, according to the latest triennial survey by the Bank for International Settlements, released in September. 国际清算银行(BIS)今年9月发布的最新的三年一度调查显示,伦敦占全球外汇市场日交易额的34.1%。
The UK's share of foreign exchange trading volumes jumped from 31.3 per cent in April 2004 to 34.1 per cent in April 2007, the latest triennial survey from the Bank for International Settlements has revealed. 国际清算银行(BIS)3年一度的最新调查显示,英国市场在全球外汇交易额中所占比例已经从2004年4月的31.3%,跃升至今年4月的34.1%。
For the curatorial discourse of this Triennial, we propose to say "Farewell to Post-Colonialism". This represents the theoretical basis from which we hope to explore our critical vision. 本届三年展抛出的第一个话语是“跟后殖民说再见”,这是策展工作的理论出发点,同时也是策展团所欲呈现的一个批评性视野。
In2002, he participated in the creation of the first Triennial of China-Triennial of Chinese Art ( renamed as Triennial of Nanjing). 2002年参与创办中国第一个三年展&中国艺术三年展(现更名为南京三年展)。
I applied this phrase to the role of the fund in a paper I submitted to its 2011 triennial surveillance review. At the annual meetings in Tokyo, the fund fulfilled precisely this role. 在为国际货币基金组织2011年度的三年工作评审提交的论文中,我也用这几个词来描述该组织的作用。
The bank remains headquartered and regulated from the UK, although a triennial review of that status is due next year. 汇丰总部仍设在英国,接受英国的监管,不过这种三年一审的监管地位将于明年进行重新审核。
Triennial comprehensive policy review 三年期全面政策审查
( vi) determine the program and adopt the triennial budget of the Union, and approve its final accounts; (vi)决定本联盟计划和通过三年预算,并批准决算;
Content of beneficial element Si, Na and Al was the lowest in Moderate matured triennial seed. 有益元素Si、Na和Al的含量在三年生粉白色种子内为最低。
To Build up a Scientific Conception of Development, Boost the Next Triennial Plan of Environmental Protection in Shanghai 树立和落实科学发展观,全面推进上海新一轮环保三年行动计划
Beyond the Future: the Cultural Difference and Coexistence in Asia and Pacific& On the Third Triennial of Asia-Pacific Contemporary Arts 超越未来:亚太地区的文化差异和共处&记第三届亚太当代艺术三年展
Moderate matured triennial seed had the highest soluble sugar content, which was 7.99%. 三年生适度成熟的粉白色种子可溶性糖含量最高,为7.99%。