The final chapter in one of asia's most important film trilogies. 亚洲最重要的电影三部曲之一的最后章节。
Titanic and the two big trilogies, the Godfather andStar Wars, might all be in your video tape collection. 《泰坦尼克号》、《教父》和《星球大战》比较受他们喜欢。
Chapter one "the intellectuals 'love stories" has mainly introduced six love stories in two "love trilogies", at the same time, which explains the painful situation of his love stories from social background and intellectuals' personality weakness. 论文第一章知识分子的爱情故事,主要介绍了两个爱情三部曲中的六段爱情故事,同时从社会背景和知识分子自身性格弱点两个方面,去解释其爱情故事的苦涩局面。
These three trilogies are similar in selecting materials, contents and creating methods, thus they share the title of "mighty river novel". 这三个三部曲在选材、内容、创作方法等方面都有共同特质,共享大河小说之称。