Having no one dependent upon her, she began to buy pretty clothes and pleasing trinkets, to eat well, and to ornament her room. Friends were not long in gathering about. 没有人要靠她养活,因此她开始购买漂亮的衣服和可爱的小玩意儿,开始吃好的,并装饰自己的房间,不久她的身边就聚集了一些朋友。
Mr. Li, whose shop sells trinkets, scarves and cigarettes, said foot traffic in the indoor bazaar has fallen by at least 90% this year. 这位出售饰品、围巾和香烟的男子表示,今年室内商店的客流量至少下降了90%。
Daniel: OK, let's hit the trinkets stand. 丹尼尔:好吧,我们去小饰品店看看。
Economic growth need not just consist of trinkets or lavish parties for billionaires. 经济增长需要的不仅是小玩意或亿万富翁的奢华派对。
The goal was that a bear lacking those trinkets wouldn't be at such a disadvantage. 我们的目的是熊坦在缺少那些饰品的时候不会变得非常不利。
Warriors can immediately charge after using trinkets to remove immobilizing effects. 使用饰品解除定身状态后可以立即冲锋?
It's traditional to send the children home with party bags of small trinkets, but I find the bags are invariably filled with Chinese items. 送小朋友们回家的传统习俗是送小礼物,但我发现派对礼物袋里装的都是中国货。
Often see a lot of1 per store, 2 dollar stores, which are selling trinkets, this can be earning millions of dollars? 往往会看见很多1元店、2元店,里面都是卖小饰品的,这个能月入万元吗?
Respiratory obstruction may be caused by such foreign objects as chucks of food or trinkets, or such substances as vomited matter, mucus, or even water. 呼吸道阻塞可以由异物,例如食物块或小件饰物,或由呕吐物、粘液,甚至于水等引起。
He bought her trinkets and took her to the theatre. 他给她买了些廉价首饰,并带她上戏院。
And the trinkets scattered around his apartment speak of a life lived around the world. 散落在他公寓各种琐物都是在讲述着生命。
Formulae for necklaces, rings, and new trinkets have been added to Enchanting. 增加新的项链,戒指和新的饰品配方给附魔。
On a recent trip for reasonably priced Chinese furniture, I had to pass by some small stalls selling trinkets and small ornaments. 最近,我外出搜寻价格合理的中式家具,正好路过一些出售饰品的小店。
Rings, necks, trinkets and weapons can have bonus armor. 而戒指,项链,饰品还有武器会拥有额外护甲。
Carrie passed along the busy aisles, much affected by the remarkable displays of trinkets, dress goods, stationery, and jewelry. 嘉莉走在热闹的货架之间,被陈列的各种漂亮的首饰,衣服,文具和珠宝吸引住了。
Each day the children produced some new wonder& strings of popcorn, hand-made trinkets, and German bells made from wallpaper samples, which we hung from the ceiling. 每天孩子们都会做点儿新玩意&爆米花串成的细链子、手工做的小装饰品和墙纸样做的德国式风铃,我们把这些风铃挂在了天花板上。
Most car companies sell branded clothing, key chains or other trinkets. 大多汽车公司都销售贴牌服装、钥匙扣或其它小饰品。
According to the survey, the mostly commonly re-gifted items were decorative household items, such as vases, paintings, picture frames and other trinkets. 调查显示,最常被转送的礼物是室内装饰品,如花瓶、画、相框和其它小饰品。
She always returns from vacation with a few souvenirs, even if they're only cheap trinkets. 她度假回来总是带几样纪念品,即使它们只是廉价的小装饰物。
He tided over the interval by selling the few trinkets which he had inherited from his father. 为了应付眼下这几个月,他只好将就着卖掉父亲留给他的少数不多的几种饰物。
How many people ruin themselves by laying out money on trinkets of frivolous utility? 有多少人把钱花在那些无聊的小玩意上而毁了自己?
Can more armor trinkets be added, with different usage stats? 能增添更多的带护甲的饰品么?
CHARM bracelet festooned with trinkets, worn and slightly dented, hangs in the window of a pawnshop in Paddington, in west London. 一个样式精致的配饰手镯挂在伦敦西部,帕丁顿的一家典当行的橱窗上,看起来有些时日了。
She returned with a bag of trinkets and a few pennies. 最后她带了一包小首饰回来,手中只剩下几分钱。
He used to claw for business like his neighbours, who sell identical trinkets and rugs. 他过去也像他的邻居那样做生意,大家都卖一样的小饰品和地毯。
One day, as she inspected this drawer, I observed that the playthings, and trinkets which recently formed its contents, were transmuted into bits of folded paper. 一天,她正在翻这个抽屉时,我看见最近放在里面的玩具和零碎全变成一张张折好的纸张了。
I don't know if it is the mental problem, every weekend I want to buy things, buy trinkets, clothes or snacks, I just feel better. 不知道是不是心理问题,我每个周末都要买东西,买衣饰和鞋子,买大袋的零食,心里才觉得舒服。
Apart from gold, the Indians sought tin and offered trinkets in exchange. 除黄金外,印度人还寻找锡,并用小饰品来交易。
Furthermore, the spurt in gold prices from$ 400 an ounce in 2004 to$ 880 now has raised awareness of the value of half-forgotten trinkets lying at the bottom of dressing-table drawers. 另外,金价的飙升从2004年的每盎司400美元升至如今的880美元让人们想起了放在梳妆台抽屉底层、几乎被遗忘了的小饰品的价值。