In the course of present investigation in interspecific hybrid of Tritical crops, cytomixis MAS observed at microspore stage, the present investigation deals with detailed analysis of this phenomenon at different conditions. 作者在麦类远缘杂种的减数分裂过程中发现,在减数分裂Ⅰ的前期和小孢子时期均存在核穿壁的现象,并对各种状态下的穿壁现象进行了详细的观察研究。
Effects of salicylic acid and it's ramification on Tritical seedling physiological characteristics under salt stress 盐胁迫下水杨酸及其衍生物对小黑麦幼苗生理特性的影响
An Observation of Flowering Habit and Fest of Stigma Vitality for Hexaploid Tritical. cv 六倍体小黑麦开花习性的观察及雌蕊柱头生活力的测定
Recent Progress in Molecular Markers to Tritical Crops 麦类作物分子标记研究新进展