N-UNCOUNT 炫耀胜利(或成功);耀武扬威 People sometimes refer to behaviour which celebrates a great victory or success as triumphalism, especially when this behaviour is intended to upset the people they have defeated.
There was a touch of triumphalism about the occasion. 这一活动有一点炫耀胜利的意味。
There was a touch of triumphalism about the occasion. 这一活动有一点炫耀胜利的意味。
If Russian troops do go into Ukraine, you can expect initial triumphalism in Moscow – and hand-wringing in the west. 如果俄罗斯军队真的进入乌克兰,可以预料的是一开始莫斯科将陶醉在胜利的喜悦中,而西方则会苦恼不已。
Although in public China's leaders eschew triumphalism, there is a sense in Beijing that the reassertion of the Middle Kingdom's global ascendancy is at hand ( see). 尽管在公开场合,中国领导人避免表现出必胜的信念,但北京有一种感觉:中央王国重获全球支配权在望。
Yet within China, the triumphalism of the Olympics has quickly disappeared. 然而在中国,奥运会的胜利感觉已迅速湮灭。
Until further notice, pro-market triumphalism is over. 除非另有变化,亲市场派的必胜信念已经终结。
Against this backdrop, the triumphalism of some of the top brass on the allied side during the campaign now sounds callous. 如此看来,诺曼底登陆中同盟军高级军官的必胜信念听起来似乎冷酷无情。
Foreign businessmen complain of a new triumphalism on the part of Chinese interlocutors, from government officials to customers. 外商抱怨说,从政府官员到客户,中方人员涌现出了新一波的必胜信念。
In some quarters there was an unpleasant note of triumphalism, a feeling we could now bend the Russians to our will. 在某些领域,西方却洋溢着令人不快的战胜情绪,似乎以为我们从此可让俄罗斯人屈从于我们的意志。
Finally, Mr Bush also demonstrated the limits of capitalist triumphalism. 最后,在布什执政期间,人们意识到了资本家们的信心也并非无穷无尽的。
And some have put forward the so-called theory of China's triumphalism. 实际上现在在舆论上,已经出现了“中国傲慢论”、“中国强硬论”、“中国必胜论”的观点。
This has been an age of market triumphalism. 现在已是市场必胜的时代。我们假定了市场是获得公共善的首要工具。
Taken alongside the unstable situation in Syria, there is now a risk of a dangerous moment of Western triumphalism. 再加上叙利亚局势也不稳定,眼下西方很有可能产生一种妄自尊大的危险心态。
Banned from re-election by the constitution, Mr Lula is using the image of Brazil as a rising oil power as a political weapon, invoking feelings of triumphalism to help his workers party to victory. 由于宪法规定而不能再次参选的卢拉,正把巴西冉冉升起的石油大国形象当作政治武器,以求激发洋洋得意的心态,帮助他的工人党(workersparty)获胜。