All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed 凯莉一生经历了各种艰巨的任务与挑战,她都一一成功应对了。
Our team triumphed over theirs. 我们队胜了他们队。
"executive" is an Americanism now firmly implanted in the British vocabulary, having triumphed there in the course of the nineteen-fifties. “executive”是个现在已在英国语汇中牢牢立住脚跟的美国词,它是在二十世纪五十年代在英国赢得地盘的。
They triumphed in the end. 他们最终得胜了。
She recently received an award given to small businesses that have triumphed over adversity. 她最近获得一项颁给在逆境中成功小型企业奖。
In 2008 hope triumphed over experience. 在2008年大选中,希望战胜了资历。
But economic models have proved more portable than political ideas, and capitalism has triumphed. 现实已证明经济模式比政治理念更容易推广,资本主义也取得了胜利。
But like Mr. Underwood, 'House of Cards' ultimately triumphed. 但和安德伍德一样,《纸牌屋》最后胜利了。
Europeans have triumphed, at last, in the Americas. 欧洲人终于在美洲赢得了胜利。
Junior lawyer: Justice has triumphed! 年轻律师:正义胜利了!
The battle was lengthy and vicious, but the deities triumphed in the end. 这场战役是漫长而罪恶的,但神只们最终仍凯旋归来。
Good sense has triumphed over unreasoning impetuosity. 清醒的理智战胜了盲目冲动的急躁情绪。
And I thank the millions of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over depression and fascism. 我也感谢千千万万的民众,他们用坚定和奉献战胜了经济大萧条和法西斯主义。
He triumphed over the defeated rival. 他对被击败的对手露出一副扬扬得意的神色。
Obviously he had triumphed in a way. 显然他有几分胜利了。
Common sense triumphed in the end. 人的理智终于战胜了一切。
It was precisely because Lenin built such a fine party that the October Revolution triumphed and that the first socialist country was created. 正是因为列宁建立了那么一个好的党,才能取得十月革命的胜利,建立了第一个社会主义国家。
They had met the challenge and triumphed. 他们接受了挑战并取得了胜利。
They triumphed over the defeated enemy. 他们面对被打败的敌人显得趾高气扬。
Had Jesus not died on the cross, Christianity would not have triumphed. 耶稣要是不死在十字架上,基督教就无法取得胜利。
Multi-cultural London triumphed over provincial Paris. 多文化的伦敦战胜了思想偏狭的巴黎。
But whatever forces were at work, we triumphed. 但不管那是什么力量,是我们胜利了。
I'd not care that Heathcliff gained his ends, and triumphed in robbing me of my last blessing! 我不在乎希刺克厉夫达到了他的目的,因夺去了我最后的幸福而洋洋得意!
Our armies have triumphed on land. 我们的军队在陆地上打了胜仗。
Common sense and friendliness triumphed over their problems. 常识和友善的态度帮助他们解决了问题。
Ill for many years, Mary became a successful writer and so triumphed over her misfortune. 尽管生病多年,玛丽仍成了一位成功的作家,从而战胜了自己的不幸。
But in two cup games Del Horno triumphed with two clean sheets. 然而,在两场杯赛的比赛中,德尔奥尔诺取得了对抗的胜利,两场比赛双方都没有进球。
With faith and perseverance, he finally triumphed over all the difficulties. 凭着信心和毅力,他终于战胜了一切困难。
But another feeling rose and triumphed: something hard and cynical, self-willed and resolute. 可是另外一种感情浮现出来,胜利了。那是一种冷酷而愤世嫉俗的、任性而坚决的感情。